3. Sleepyhollow (pt. 2)

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........................... lunchtime.........................
I was hanging out with some of the guys I made friends with in gym (Alec Jay and Roy) when i got a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach that I usely got when something bad was about to happen but it just pushed it to the back of my mind and got back to talking about what they thought about the girls in the school

"I am. just saying that Britney Mack is a nerd but when she tryes she is certainly a 8 or a 9" ~Alec

"No way she is a 7 at most" ~Jay

And after that I zoned out not able to get my mind off the feeling in my stomach everytime I get that feeling something bad always happens and it mean ALWAYS I see Mia go into the hall with so I try to contact everyone

"Hey guys are YALL ok" ~I said and it imedaintly get a reponse
"I am fine and I am with Alex and i can see Kayden what is up" Dunkan said that is a relief hey wait
"I got a bad feeling you know the one I always gets before something happens but it all of tall are fine.."

"guys help I am trapped between a locker and a guy unwillingly and he wouldn't let me go and my powers arent working do to my mental composer right now I NEED YALL PLEASE HURRY"and it goes blank we tried conacting her but no response and I go into a num and unresponsive
"Guys we need to find her Max... Max... MAX" Kayden said
"Yeah Yeah what" I said
"Max we need you to is the twin link to see exactly where she is" ~kayden "yeah Yeah right ok" I say as I do as I am told I tell them where we can find her and I rush over to help her

I was the first one to get there and see my sister who I was suppose take care of and protect being there afraid and helpless it just made my blood boil and before I knew what I was doing I tackled him down I was blinded my angry of seeing him tryinhyo take advantage of my sister I was so mad I didn't hear the others coming till they had to pull me off of him I struggled against their hold till Dunkan said

"Max Max calm down" ~D

"No let me at him he tried to hurt Mia let me at him" M
"Max look at her look at her she needs you right now call down she needs you to help her" ~A
I looked at her on the floor and I almost broke again seeing her in a dazed state with a sad look in her eyes I almost brought me to tears so I looked away for a second to propose myself and walked over there and nelt down to comfort her and walked her to the nurses office to get her sent home she was in a daze the whole time no matter what I tried I couldnt get her to respond but she just looked like her soul was taken away from her. When we got home she went straight to the pool and leaped in and went straight to the opening I watch her leave and start worrying about her out there but I had to give her her space so I went into the living room where I find the rest of the family discussing the events that has "acurred" this day and everyone was worried and right as soon as I walked into the room I was bombarded by questions
"Is she ok" ~Dunkan

"Has she changed yet" ~Alex

"Where is she "~Kayden

"Did you get through to her" Mom

"How does she know the guy" Dad

"She is doing fine" I say toward Dunkan "hasnt showed any change" towards Alex "where so you you think she is" towards Kayden "she was still then same from when we found you and he is the" bad boy " of the school he started some drama today in the hall" and with that we went about talking about how we would fix this but I was to worried about Mia to really care what will we so about tomorrow. After awhile I decide that I better go find M so I leave the living to find Mia

lovelies I am sorry that this is a short chapter I just thought before we continue that yall meant want to have a chapter in her brothers view in that situation but next time please feel free to tell me what you want what you really really want (I know I had to throw spice girls in there) it you ahev any ideas of what tall should happen next then leave it in the comments or privite message

The chapter is decated to  rubixcube18901 if you haven't checked her story out then you have to my favorite story of hers is the good girl bad boys (tggbb) it is awesome you have to check it out anyway bye lovelies see you soon

                                                ~Galen M.

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