Aaron Smith

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Emily went to school determined to figure out who that boy was she was going to walk up to him and talk to him.Emily was a little scared to do it but she had to.
1 hour later
Emily was in school and Rosie was not and school yet sadly. Emily walked up to the boy. "Hi my name is Emily I am new here" Emily said scared that he would ignore her. "Hi my name is Aaron Smith nice to meet you Emily" he said. Aaron Smith? Wow he was hot and nice I wonder if he likes me Emily thought to herself. "o-okay see you around Aaron,Bye!" Emily ran to her locker. Rosie was there "hi Emily where were you?" Rosie asked "Oh I was um meeting new people I wanted to make new friends." Emily said smiling. "Oh you were? But you only talked to one person..." Rosie said confused. "Yeah i was too scared to talk to other people." Emily replied "yeah people in this school can be really scary well see you later Emily bye." Rosie said and walked away.

At lunch
After Emily got her lunch and sat down with Rosie. "So are there any boys you like?" Emily asked Rosie "I can't" Rosie answered "Why?" Emily asked. "Because I have a boyfriend" Rosie said "Who?!" Emily gasped. "Aaron Smith" Rosie said. Just like that Emily had a rival and she would never have Aaron unless.....she killed Rosie.

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