Getting rid of Rosie

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It was going to be hard to get rid of Rosie but Emily had to do it for love. Emily woke up determined to get rid of her best friend. She got up and put on a beanie and a leather jacket with jeans. She then walked down stairs and skipped breakfast sneaking a knife from the kitchen into her purse as she hugged her mom goodbye. She then proceeded to get onto he bus and went to school where she saw Rosie. Rosie of course ready to jump onto Emily pulling her into a hug. But Emily waited for everyone to go into the school and for the bus to leave. After about 5 minutes everyone left except Rosie. Rosie was starting to get confused on why Emily was just standing there so she stepped back from Emily and asked her "what's wrong?" Emily looked down and opened her purse to take out the knife,with her hand on the knife she looked up at Emily with tears flowing down her face and Emily was confused and started shaking Emily to snap her out of it. Emily grabbed Rosie's arm and stabbed Rosie continuously. After Rosie finally collapsed Emily put the knife in her purse and dragged Rosie's body into the nearest bush. Emily broke down crying. But after a couple minutes she wiped her tears away and ran home screaming her pain out

{I suck at writing snnzdjjf}

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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