Writing prompt one shot #1

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Hey, this is Emma. Welcome to my story. At the beginning of each one, I will put down the prompt and if I can find the person who made it, I will credit it towards them. I will also include an idea for what the oneshot is about.
Prompt: "That has got to be the lamest pickup line in existence."
     "Don't worry, that's just Plan A."
     "So what's Plan B?"
     "To take you hostage."
Idea: Yuri and Otabek go out to grab some coffee and run into a member of Yuri's Angels, who happens to be a guy. (Jealous Otabek, because I'm fluff trash)
Warning, lots of swearing, because, well, Yuri's in the story.
Otabek's POV
     "So, how was practice?" Yuri grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder, before shoving his boots onto his feet. He stood up and grabbed his black hoodie from the bench next to him, stuffing it into the bag along with his skates.
     "It fucking sucked. Yakov let JJ practice in our rink since he's going to have his wedding in Russia, and that ugly ass fiancé of his insisted on staying there until it happened. All he did all damn day was blabber about how great he was, and call me kitty every opportunity he had! I fucking hate him!" I nodded and watched him walk along with me to my bike as he ranted, wringing his hands as he imitated "JJ style". He looked even more beautiful when he was angry, it gave him an intense passion that was incredibly attractive. His eyes sparkled and even though he was angry, I could see a slight smile on his thin lips.
Half of his blond hair was in a ponytail, the rest hanging loosely around his face. He had his favorite shirt on, a thin black tank top that clung loosely to his chest, with a leopard stripe going down the front. His big black boots, today combats instead of platforms, matching with his tight black jeans, that had two chains connecting from the back of his jeans to the front. His eyes were accented with thick black eyeliner and his cheeks were pink, from the slight cold. It was a rather warm day, but, us being in Russia, the day had a slight chill to it, and I was slightly glad that he hadn't put his jacket on as one of the thin sleeves of his shirt slid past his shoulders, exposing pale skin. "Right?" I looked at Yuri's face, and realized that I hadn't been listening to a word he has said so far, but instead observing how good he looked today. Yuri smirked and raised an eyebrow, clearly amused at the fact I wasn't paying attention. "Beka, I know I look pretty fucking hot, but stop checking me out, okay? We'll have time for that later." He winked and I felt my cheeks grow pink as he laughed, nudging me with his elbow.
"Jeez Beka. I was just kidding." I nodded and let out a meak, I know, but part of me was disappointed that he was kidding. Yuri let out a gasp, and he grabbed my arm, pointing at a coffee shop entitled The Grind, his face lighting up as he smiled. "Beka, we have to go there! It's the best fucking place on Earth!" He pulled my arm along, as he dodged crowds with expertise, almost leaving me behind in the crowded street. We got there and he came to a stop in front of the sign, his breath slightly ragged, and smiled up at the shop, which was taller than most of the buildings there, despite being small in size. Yuri, when angry, was attractive, but when he was happy, it was a whole other story. His eyes lit up even more, which seemed to make him stand out, and a smile lit up his face. I felt my face grow hot just watching him, and I swallowed, my throat dry. He turned to me and laughed, which made him look even cuter, his face a bit red, and his hair falling neatly into place. Grabbing my arm again, he dragged me inside, and I stumbled inside, tripping over the slight bump in the doorway.
Looking up, I saw an assortment of different people, all wearing either black, or darker colors and sitting around, drinking coffee and eating pastries. Punk music blazed through speakers, and the walls were dark green and purple, which oddly fit together. The walls were covered with what seemed like thousands of poster, each one sporting a different band. There were several book shelves all over the shop, which were littered with books, nearly all of them having a sarcastic title to its name. The chairs were of all different kinds, several of which were beanbags, and other office chairs with wheels, and a few were hammocks. Yuri let out a whistle and rushed forward, nearly jumping down the steps. I followed slowly and he sat down at a table that was low to the ground and had two beanbags, both leopard print, around it. He looked up at me expectantly and patted the other beanbag, at which I reluctantly sat down in the squishy chair. I looked down at the table, and saw that underneath a layer of smooth clear material, there were dozens of newspaper clippings and pictures of Yuri encased in the table.
I looked at the table for a few minutes, studying each picture of Yuri. There were a couple from when he was younger, but most were rather recent. There was even one of the time I rescued him from the Angels in Barcelona. We were both on the motorcycle and he was holding onto me tightly, his arms gripping my waist. I blushed at the memory, thank goodness the picture didn't show my face, for I'm pretty sure I would have been as red as a tomato. I looked up at Yuri, and he shrugged, fiddling with the chains on his jeans.
"They are pretty up to date on skating. They have tables themed after all the skaters, Katsudon, Victor, and even JJ. Including one of you. Our tables are probably my favorite ones. By the way, you were adorable as a kid. You got a lot hotter though." Yuri blushed at his last statement and started to stare at a picture of him during his Agape performance. I felt my ears grow red and I tried to dismiss what he had said, but the sentence played over and over in my head. You got a lot hotter though.
"Yuri! You're back!" I looked up to see a man, about my age, standing in front of us, a smile on his face. He had wavy brown hair that kept falling in his face, and green eyes that sparkled with mischief. He had a tray and what I assumed was the cafe uniform, a pair of black jeans and a tight short sleeved green shirt that, in slashed letters, said; The Grind, the best fucking place on Earth. He had several piercings in both ears and a chain going from one perching to the other on both ears. He had a tattoo of a tiger on his arm, that's tail curled around his wrist. I looked to Yuri, expecting him to reject the man, like he usually did with everyone else, but he smiled warmly and nearly jumped out of his seat at the sight of him.
"Ethan, man. How's my favorite asshole doing?"
"Great. How's the hottest guy in Russia doing?" He winked and I suddenly became aware that the two are standing very close, and Ethan's hands were moving towards Yuri's. Before I knew what I was doing, I coughed loudly, on purpose, and both men turned their heads towards me. Ethan seemed a little disappointed and I thought I saw a hint of a frown, but Yuri's smile distracted me.
"Oh, Ethan, this is Otabek. Otabek, this is Ethan, the best damn coffee brewer in town and American exchange student." I looked to Ethan, who smiled, but I could clearly see that it was fake.
"Oh, are you also an angel?" Yuri let out a loud laugh and punched Ethan in the arm, but not like he would do to JJ, which I suddenly wished I could do to Ethan.
"No, he's a fellow skater. He's Otabek Altin, representing Kazakistan (A/N: Sorry don't know if spelled right). He's on one of your tables here, dumbass." Ethan put his hands in his jeans pockets and frowned, sending a slight glare my way.
"Ahh. I remember you. I never really liked your table though. It's too close to Yuri's, it's chairs have too much black leather, and it's far too boring." I didn't take Sherlock to realize that Ethan wasn't talking about my table, but about me. Yuri, of course, was completely oblivious to this, and sat back down, smiling as his blond hair bounced upon his impact with the chair. Ethan quickly gave me the finger, as Yuri looked away and I had just enough time to glare back.
I suddenly recalled what Ethan had said earlier, and the words played over and over in my head.
     "What did you mean by, 'are you also an angel'?" Ethan smiled thinly, and rolled his eyes, clearly not in a teasing way.
     "Geez Yuri, he's not very bright is he?" Yuri frowned and tried to speak, but Ethan interrupted, not paying attention. "Well, I'm one of Yuri's Angels, obviously. The Vice President ,actually, of the committee. I know basically everything there is to know about Yura." I felt a twinge of jealousy and anger, I was the only one who could call him that. Ethan dismissed the glare I sent him and turned to Yuri, sending a seductive look his way, which made him rather flustered. "So, what about it Yura? Why don't you dump this piece of leather wearing shit and go out with me?" Yuri looked really pissed, and stood up quickly, glaring at not only Ethan, but me as well.
     "I have to go to the fucking bathroom." He stormed off towards a doorway with a curtain of beads in front of it and pushed through it, startling a girl with a blonde pixie cut and blue eyes, who was sporting a choker and a tray full of food. Ethan turned to me, murder in his eyes, all of the mischief gone. He put his hands on the table, and leaned closer to me, grabbing my shirt.
     "Listen, you better stay the fuck away from Yuri, he's mine, understand? I have been working on kissing his ass for about two years now, and I'm not about to have you fuck that up! Yura is mine." He no longer looked friendly, and I glared at him, trying to free his grip from my shirt.
     "'Kissing his ass'? Wow, I knew something about you screamed creep." We both looked to the left, to see Yuri, who had his arms folded across his chest, crinkling his leopard print tank top.
     Ethan let go of my shirt slowly and he looked at Yuri in panic, wiping his sweaty hands off on his shirt. "Yuri! You're back from the bathroom! Why didn't it take you longer?" I laughed, and not only Ethan seemed surprised, but so did Yuri.
     "Ethan, you may be Vice President of the 'Let's stalk Yura 24/7' club, and know a lot about Yura, but you don't know as much as I do." I walked over to Yuri, and put my elbow on his shoulder, which made him blush, but it only boosted my confidence. "If you knew as much as I did, you would know that Yura never uses public restrooms. If he says he has to go to the bathroom, it usually means he's so pissed he's about to punch someone. Also, no one calls him Yura but me." I grabbed Yuri's hand and his bag from the floor, and stormed out of the cafe, leaving with a smile, and an astonished Ethan left behind me.
     I ran past the crowds, still holding Yuri's hand, which made my neck burn up. We finally came to a stop at the training rink, completely ignoring my motorcycle and running inside. I pulled him into the locker room and we both sat down at the bench, breathing raggedly. I studied the tiled floor as we sat in awkward silence, neither of us quite knowing what to say. I noticed that his bootlaces was untied and got off the bench, kneeling in front of him.
     "O-Otabek?" I looked up at Yuri and saw his face was completely red, and his mouth wide open as he watched me, his hair slightly disheveled. Taking advantage of the situation, though understanding why he was freaking out, and grabbed his hand, smiling slightly.
     "Can I tie your shoe? I can't have you falling for someone else." Yuri looked at me in astonishment and burst out laughing, throwing me slightly off, and making me chuckle slightly. He covered his hand over his mouth and the corner of his eyes crinkled, his face lighting up.
     "That has got to be the lamest pick-up line in existence."
     "Don't worry. That's just Plan A."
     "What's Plan B?"
     "To take you hostage." Yuri smiled and motioned for me to sit on the bench, but when I gave me his hand for me to grab, I pulled him down with me, and we both tumbled to the cold floor. We landed with Yuri on top of me, hands on either side of my head. When we saw what had happened we both blushed, but I pulled Yuri closer by his waist, and he fell onto me, his lips connecting to mine. He was shocked at first, but started to kiss back, before we both pulled away, panting. We stayed in the same position of a few minutes, before standing up and walking back outside. I felt Yura's hand slip into mine and I smiled slightly, as I gripped it back.
     "Don't worry Otabek, you'll always be my favorite asshole."
That is the end of the first one shot, more coming soon.
Sorry if Yuri and Otabek were a little OC in the end, but I liked how it ended up.
I do requests, so if you have a specific story you would like me to write, or a writing prompt you want me to try out, DM me. I will not be able to respond, because of email problems, but I will write anything, as long as it is not smut. Sorry if it escalated with Ethan a little quickly, but my idea was that he has been waiting so long to date Yuri, then Otabek shows up and he kind of has to move fast if he wants to date Yuri before Otabek does.
Thanks for reading, I am always posting new stories. And not to be cliche, but don't forget to like, comment and follow my profile @FandomsRFun

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