The True Begining

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• Rosabella POV •

THE MOMENT HAD COME where my life was about to change . I couldn't believe this was actually happening. For the first time in my life I was going to a school where the other students were just like me.

My leg bounced vigorously, a habit that always seemed to annoy Grams. "Sweetheart calm down, going to Hogwarts is a tradition every young witch must go through" she said placing a calming hand on my shoulder.

"And please stop bouncing that leg of yours before it damn well falls off" she added.

As the time for my departure grew near, my palms began to sweat and my hands nervously tapped at my side hitting my long robes. Soon after, Pops, Grams, and I said our goodbyes.

"Have a great time sweetheart," Grams said as she brought me into one of her infamous hugs "And while your at it go make us proud". Tears began to brew in her eyes as I went over to Pops who also embraced me in his arms.

"Bella, don't be scared. Your a brilliant young witch you hear me?" he said. "It's no doubt you'll be sorted into Ravenclaw just like me. Not to say that it's any better then the other houses," he smirked "Although it is".

At that Grams whacked his arm with her purse, "Well excuse me!" she exclaimed placing her hands on her hips. "I hate to burst your bubble but it's quite obvious that Hufflepuff is the better house" Grams told her husband.

"Thats what all the puffies say" he teased her.

"Well I'm a proud Puffer right here" she said with a daring step towards Pops. "A puff, who might I add, you married."

Pops laughed wrapping his arm around Grams shoulder "Well I guess that something I can't argue with," he said "If one thing is true about hufflepuffs, it's that they do really make the best wives."

I waved goodbye to my grandparents and took my first step off the platform and onto the train. As I made my way down the hall I finally came to an empty cabin. After a few moments I heard a soft knock and looked up to see a girl with short blonde hair. "Hey you mind of I sit here?" She asked with a raised brow.

She looked around my age and carried herself with confidence. You could just tell by the way she leaned against the door frame that she was the type to demand attention.

I simply nodded as I offered her a simple smile, one that she kindly returned. Once she was settled she asked "So, you a first year?"

"Yes I am, you?" I replied
"Yep" she said popping the p, "Oh I'm sorry! I just realized that I haven't introduced myself, I'm Diana Cresswell. But you can just call me Dee."

I smiled "Well I'm Rosabella Scalibur and you can call me whatever you'd like."

To my surprise she let out a laugh. "Well if that's the case then I should just call you Daisy." she said with a wink.

"But in a seriousness," Dee calmed herself "How about Rose, is that okay?"

Rose. Rose.

"That's defiantly okay"

Once we arrived to the castle my mouth dropped in awe. I was so busy admiring the castle around me that I didn't see the body I rammed myself into.

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