Chapter 14

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Author's Note

Aish, I forgot this fan fic still exist. Let me finish this once and for all.


Kawaii~Chan's POV

I've been working my butt off to have enough money so that I could ask someone to make Aarmau, Dancole, and (Your fav anime OTP because I can't choose one for an example.) doll for my SHIPPING SHRINE! I let out a sigh on Science class. "Hey KC, why are you keep sighing?" Vylad asked.

"Oh Vylad~kun... Kawaii~Chan is just earning money for something... but it's always not enough." I complained. "Hmmm, how old are you?" Vylad asked. "turning 17 this year, why?" I asked. "Let's talk about it after class... Ma'am might caught us talking." Vylad said. "Okay!" I said. 

After class, Vylad and I went to the school garden. "So what's with the sudden questions awhile ago?" I asked. "Well... Mom and Dad will be out of town for 2 months and we are finding a personal maid for the 3 of us but mom wants us to pick someone we already knew and it just happens you need cash so... would you take the job?" Vylad asked.

Woah... that's a great offer but I looked at him suspecting something even more to that.

"What's the catch?" I asked. Vylaad sighed and said, "I knew you are going to ask that... Yes there's a catch. You need to live on our house for 2 months except during Sundays." Vylad said. Well that's not bad... "Kawaii~Chan will take the job! but Kawaii~Chan wondering... who would cook for the 3 of you during Sundays?" I asked.

"Well Aphmau's mom will come here during Sundays with Aphmau. Garroth is looking forward that..." He said with a chuckle. "Kawaii~Chan don't ship Garmau... Sorry." I said. "Neither do I, I just found it amusing." Vylad said. "Zane is also looking forward to that."

I look at Vylad with a meaningful look. "Why?" I asked.

"Almost the same reason why I'm looking forward to that, but his are meaner reasoning, To see Garroth embarrass himself." Vylad said. Oh, that's good. "Want to visit Kawaii~Chan's house first? So that Vylad~kun could taste my cooking and baking skills?" I asked. 

"Sure!" Vylad said.

Zane's POV

I was about to go home when I saw Vylad walking the other way to our home with a meif'wa... pink hair... I grabbed my glasses to see if I'm just seeing things. It's Kawaii~Chan... He's walking her home? 

What? Why? The f?

Kawaii~Chan's POV

I cooked (Pick whatever you want. Dishes in my country is different so yeah.) and some cupcake and let Vylad taste them. "So...?" I asked. "IT'S DELICIOUS! YOU'VE GOT TO BAKE US BAKE EVERY MORNING! I BET THAT WOULD TASTE EVEN GOOD!" Vylad said. "Aww thank you Vylad~kun. I'm glad you liked it."

"Nana?" One of my brothers called me. Oh no. SHUT UP MIKE! I TOLD HIM TO CALLED ME KAWAII~CHAN! My brother breaks down my door. NOO! MY DOOR! "You my friend... reminds me of my brother." Vylad said. "D'aww, I am a brotherly figure to my sister and brothers." Mike said.

"Now,  Nana... Be safe okay? You are sleeping with... boys." Mike said. "Wait... why is he calling you Nana?" Vylad asked. "Well that's her name!" Mike said as a matter of fact. I facepalmed. Mike is so stupid. 

"Mike... you are soo~ stupid." Mica, Mike's twin sister also my sister said. "I agree with Mica~senpai." I said. "What?! She is Nana! That's her name." Mike said. "Haizzz...." Mica and I said. "I told you the name my classmates known me for is Kawaii~Chan!" I said. "Too many syllables." Mike said. "Baka." "Stupid" Mica and I said in the same time.

I look at Vylad with pleading eyes. "Please... tell no one." I asked. "Don't worry Nana... I won't. I wont. " Vylad said.

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