Warning The Vampires

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Days had gone by and as long as I wasn't in contact with a witch, no one died. Marcel continued to think it was me, but it really wasn't. Klaus wanted to test something and took me out to tall to a witch. Of course the poor girl was scared. Later that night she had died.

Klaus pulled me into where Marcel was.

"Marcel!!" He yelled, keeping a grip on my hand.

Marcel had appeared, looking at us. "What now, Klaus? Come to tell me that she has admitted to it all?"

"No." He growled. "Get me all your people. Every damn one of them!"

Marcel rolled his eyes but rounded up every vampire he had. They all stood around the room, watching Klaus and I.

"Someone here has been setting Natalia up! She has NOT been committing these acts of murder. My whole family could tell you that. I have every right to believe one of you guys doing it! So if it is you, step up or you suffer if I have to pick you out myself!" He glared at them all, keeping me pushed behind him.

Everyone sat quiet, looking around at Klaus and I. A few looked to Marcel for help and confusion. They knew witches were being murdered but they all thought it was me doing it.

Marcel sighed and stepped forward. "If it is one of you guys and not Natalia, please speak now."

They all knew Marcel thought it was me. He was just blaming his own people to make Klaus happy.

Klaus smirked at Marcel's sudden change in sides, but he also knew he was just playing along.

"Fine. Don't tell. But when I find out, I will kill you and rip you limb from limb personally!"

I looked up at Klaus. it was a but harsh, but that's how he was. I was told I can be like him as well. That kind if freaked me out, but at the same time, I liked it.

"I'll give you guys three days. If no one steps up, I'll have Klaus interrogate you." Marcel told them.

"And it won't be pretty." Klaus smirked again.

"I'll even help!" I growled. "And I'll help kill you if that's what it takes. I suggest you grow some balls and stand up for yourself, you cowardly shit."

Klaus looked down on me in surprise that I spoke like that out loud and to many other vampires. But his lips curled into a slight smile as I felt his hand rub my back.

There were a few growls from within the group.

"Hey! I advise you listen to her, or we kill every single one of you." Klaus told them and there were more growls and hisses.

Marcel looked to us. "Okay, that's enough. You've had your fun. Now go. I'm giving them three days. After that, you can come back and interrogate."

Klaus glared at him, grabbing my wrist and pulling me out.

"So now what?" I asked him.

"We wait about ten minutes, then interact with a witch. See what happens tomorrow."

I smiled and nodded at him as he pulled me off to go talk to one. It was hard to do since they all were afraid of me now. We eventually found one named Gwen and talked with her for a few minutes, asking her questions.

We just wanted to know what her thoughts were of who was doing the killing. Surprisingly, she didn't think it was me or Klaus. She thought it was one of Marcel's people.

I had told her thanks and that I hope she was going to be okay tonight because she was a very nice girl. Klaus rolled his eyes at me for calling a witch nice and telling her I hoped she was going to be okay. Basically having sympathy for her. I just ignored him.

"Let's go home." He told me, pulling me back home.

*Author's Note: Very short I haven't really gotten any updates. But here's one now. Enjoy!*

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