Chapter 3: The Initial Awakening

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Chapter 3: The Initial Awakening of the Demon

         It was a bright sunny morning. Renji walks to school. Gilga follows him.

Renji: "Why are you following me to school? Aren't you looking for the other truthseekers?"

Gilga: "Well, yeah but I'm not in a rush today."

Renji: "Right..."

Gilga: "Besides, there's a high possibility that some of the students in your school are candidates."

Renji: "You think..."

Gilga: "Dunno. That's why I'm going to investigate."

Renji: [" -.-'' "] "I don't like the sound of that..." "Just don't cause any trouble to anyone."

Gilga: "I wont."

         As they are near school...

Renji: "You know, you're not a student of this school. You can't get inside."

Gilga: "Who said anything about getting inside." [points up]

Renji: "Wait..." [" -_-'' "] "Don't tell me you're..."

Gilga: [Jumps up to the edge] "Nobody goes up the rooftop this early in the morning. So, see you later then, little puppy." [two-finger swipe from forehead] [continues jumping]

Renji: "I just hope he doesn't cause any ruckus this early in the morning." [Looks up at the sky] "And it's a beautiful morning too..."

         Just then, someone walks up to him...

F voice1: "Good Morning, Renji-kun."

Renji: "Huh?" [Turns back] "Oh, Morning Mizuki." [" ^^ "]

F voice2: "Why does she only get a 'Good Morning' greeting? Hmph.."

Renji: [" ^^'' "] "Good morning to you too, Asuka-san."

Asuka: "Ahh~ I don't understand what you like about this guy, Mizuki-chan."

Mizuki: [" >////////< "] "A-asuka-san...!"

Renji: "Huh?..."

Mizuki: [" ^///////^ "] "I-it's nothing... ehehehe... Let's walk together to school."

Renji: "Oh, sure." [" ^^ "]

Asuka: "Haa..." [sarcastic sigh]


~Meanwhile Above The School Rooftop~

Girl: [Looking up at the sky] "..."

          Gilga suddenly appears far behind the girl.

Gilga: [Looks at the girl] "Huh?..."

Girl: "Hmm?.." [Turns back, sees no one] "Hmm..." [Turns straight]

Gilga: [Behind the small concrete wall] "I never thought there was someone here this early. And it's her, huh?..."

Girl: [Looking up at the sky] "..."


~At Renji's Classroom~

         Renji puts his bag on the table and gives a deep sigh.

M voice: "Hey, what's up? Something wrong?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2012 ⏰

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