Drunken Man

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~James POV~

I watch in horror as the events unfold. It all started as enouther debate between Hamilton and Jefferson, when a drunken man walks in. He is saying something, but I can't understand, he's slurring his words. All I can tell, is that he is growing more angry...
A collective gasp and a few screams ripple through the room as he brandishes a gun.
Suddenly, I'm standing. And the man, he's pointing his gun right at Jefferson's chest...

~Jefferson POV~

Hamilton and I stop arguing to see some man walk in. Clearly drunk. Why hasn't anyone removed him?
Hold on, he's holding something, a gun! I stand frozen as he holds it up... And pulls the trigger... Right at me.
Before I can even move, I can only watch as James Madison leaps in front of me, taking the bullet. I hear people scream as James falls to the floor.

~James POV~

I hit the hard floor and pain shoots up my side. I can feel the hot blood starting to seep through my clothes.

"GET A MEDIC!! GET A MEDIC!!" I hear Jefferson scream as he kneels down and scoops me into his arms. I wince when I am moved, but he helps support my back and head.

"James! James! Stay with me!" He cries out, hot tears rolling down my face.

"Please, don't leave me..." I whisper, startled at how weak my voice sounds.

"I'm not. I'm not going anywhere." He assures. "Try to hold still, it will help with the pain."

~Hamilton POV~

I cry out when Madison hits the floor. He gasps and blood seeps through his clothes. An image I've seen all to much before.

Jefferson screams out for a medic and goes to Madison's side. I know they are my rivals, but Madison is he's not as much of an ass that Jefferson is. I kinda like the quite the man. He's smart, in his own way.

I bolt towards the door to go find a skilled medic I know who doesn't live to far.

~Jefferson POV~

Why? Oh God, why? Not my Jemmy. My Jemmy can't die. He's to perfect, kind, and straight up great.

"I won't go if you don't go, okay Jemmy?" I say trying to keep him conscious. Trying to keep myself from crying. My movements will hurt him. He is in enough pain as it is, but he is also in shock. That will help... But for how long? Where is that medic?

~James POV~

I try not to move, cry, or gasp. It's hard to do. My body hurts... So much...

I let out a sob.

"Hang on there, Jemmy, please." Thomas whispers, carefully hunching over and nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck. His wild floofy hair falls onto my face. I breath into his hair. It smells clean, it's very nice.

~Jefferson POV

I look up as soon as I hear footsteps. I see Hamilton and not far behind is a medic. I look down at James, "James, hey, hey, medic is here! Okay?! It's gonna be okay! Stay with me..." His eyes are getting ever so droopy-er

~James POV~

It's getting hard to keep my eyes open.

"Support his head more."

I am able to muster up enough strength to see... Hamilton? He's cradling my head, so I don't have to put any effort in keeping it up. He looks... Worried? Maybe he isn't as heartless as he acts.

~Hamilton POV~

Holding Madison's head, I locked eyes with him. His dark eyes look so... Shocked? In pain? Oh.... I do use him to get on Jefferson's nerves... He must think I hate him... He must be so confused. I don't know how to feel about that... I mean he's with Jefferson, but he did help me pick up papers I dropped when Jefferson tripped me. He always mutters an apology when Thomas is a total ass... Who is this little man?

~Jefferson POV~

I watch as the medic goes about on Jemmy's wound. He sedated him, so now James seems... Blank... Unfeeling. While I feel like I've been holding him for hours. His blood stains my hands and white sleves turn pink.

I watch him blackout. "James... Please..." My voice cracks, I hear someone talking. "Wake up, Jemmy, wake up!!"


I'll update soon... Heheh... When should I update anyway? Also, if I gave you the feels, please vote :) It encourages me to actually finish my books....

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