Once I turn around to a hurt looking harry, my smile I held on my face just a few seconds ago vanished into a confused fine line. I honestly had know clue what to say, I never intently avoided him. I thought he didn't even care, he acted as if I was a plain old yellow skittle in a bag of many. He never even made eye contact with me and never showed any interest for me to talk to him. Even though I am just about in love with this boy, I don't even know, I am the type of girl who waits for the guy to make the first move.
Shaking my head side to side while he focused his wide eyes on me, I began to explain.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to make it seem like I was avoiding you... I...I.." Before I could even think of what I was going to say Harry cut me off basically reading my mind. "are nervous and think I have no interest?"
"ummmm.... A little. I just didn't want to come off as desperate and annoying. Trying to get you to talk to me and stuff.." sorry I cant help but sound and be nervous, he just makes my brain jumble up and my chest tighten.
"Love why on earth would you feel that way, you are so funny and not one bit seeming desperate or annoying." What the.. did he not realize that he made it seem that way. I don't know why but what he is saying makes me a little upset.
"But you were the one who made it seem like I had the plague! You were avoiding me and making it seem like you had little interest in me in anyway. I am very bad at rejection!"
"OOOP!" I screamed after I flew my hand to my face covering my mouth. Did I just tell him that?! Now he knows one of my weaknesses! why?!
I feel a large hang moving my hand away from my mouth and when I open up my eyes again I see, once again a jaw dropping face but this time his eyes are holding a light of understanding and guiltiness. There beautiful and my knees wobble, just a enough for just me to notice.
"If anything your the cure to the plague...." "LEAAAAHHHHYYAAA, were is our soda woman!" Two voices shout playfully, yelling from across the room interrupting Harry. I turn my head to where the couch is and see a head full of blond hair and a head full of messy brown hair looking at me and harry with confused eyes.
"Umm.. im sorry, I really should go and give them there drinks. If I don't they might die of thirst" I ended with a sorry laugh and Harry returned a nod and a nervous, sad laugh and a fake smirk.
"I Gotcha, ill be right back I just have to go wee." and with that he was gone and I was walking over to the rest of the gang holding Niall and Justin's drinks, Thinking of what Harry was going to tell me before we were interrupted..
"Leah, what were you and lover boy talking about?" I Look over a see Louis looking over at me waiting for any kind of answer. "aren't you the nosey one. yeah? " trying to get off the topic.
"Hhh! don't try to get off topic, what happened?" From the looks of it he had a idea and that made me worry. "Nothing.. Harry just was asking my twitter name"
Justin being Justin was of course listening to our conversation and he knows as well as my self that I am a bad liar. My lips twitch every time I try to lie. "ohh okay well I guess we will all follow you and Justin?" "I agree with Liam, what's your twitter name!?" Zayn unexpectedly shouted.
"okay, get your phones out boys!" with that every single iPhone popped out, and so did my heart. They all wanted to follow us!!
"Layymmaa27 with 2 Y's, 2 M's, and 2 A's and Justin_Green"
"Layymmaa as in Lame..a?" The deep raspy voice from behind me spoke up, making me jump.
"umm yeah... Me and Justin decided to make me a twitter, It took a long time to think of a original name, till one night we had a little to much to drink and decided to make it Layymmaa because of a inside joke we have." "And 27?"
"ohh yeah 27, is my field hockey jersey Number" I stated with pride. "I didn't no you play field hockey!? are you any good?" "I guess im okay" I said with a smile trying not to sound cocky.
But Justin had to give his damn opinion "Are you kidding me Leah your great! You make professional players look foolish!" through out the room I herd "wows" and "nice!"
"Well, it looks like we have to see the amazing Leahya in action, do you play anything else?" Niall asked. "umm yeah I play a little soccer"
Can I say these boys can talk for ever about soccer, but im not complaining it was like talking into a mirror especially with Louis.
"Leah your Dad is texting me and told me to tell you that he is leaving tonight instead and for you to stay the night at mine" "okay, Is he still coming home the same time and stuff?" "yes he is."
"Wait are you guys like together?" Harry finally spoke up after a while of silence. I kind of felt bad for him, I Just left before he could tell me the rest of what he wanted to tell me.
But that question caused me and Justin to look at each other and laugh uncontrollably leaving the boys especially Harry confused. "what?! you guys act like it and you are staying at his. sooo?" Why did He seem so irritated.
"I'm gay." Justin claimed unashamed, "And I am in a happy relationship even though Leah is helller Sexy!" I broke out in hysterics and after a few seconds of letting this information sink in so did everybody else.
"How did it get so late?" Zayn asked.
"I don't even no but I think we all should get heading, I don't even no how management is letting us just chill here. usually they would of made us leave to our hotel."
"I gotcha maaannn, well thanks for letting us chill with you yawl." saying with a large yawn I partly stumbled over nothing and feel into a pare of arms.
"Yeah, you know when all the sudden started she started to talk a lot more then usual and then began dancing like a mad person and stuff.. Well that like a alert to know that she is about to crash in about 20 minute" I herd Justin tell the boys causing all of them to giggle, probably remembering back to me overly sleepy hyper spill, including the person I feel into, I cant believe I did that in front of them, when that happens I cant control it.
"Harrryyyyyyy is that you?" everything is hazy and I feel his face with my hand, causing a vibration to come from his chest. "yeppp! Go back to sleep beautiful." Did he just call me.. "youss think im pretty? I think your quite bbeeasutiful yourself" I feel drunk and I have no control over what mess comes out of my mouth, this is my most dangerous state and I say things I would never say awake.
"haha yes I do, and I Know you will not remember any of this when you wake up, so I'm just going to just get this off of my chest, you have been on my mind since the day you helped me in the dressing rooms with that perfect purple dress on. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on and I know you don't feel the same way but no matter what don't ever let anybody break your heart its to pure" he told me in almost a whisper.
To bad my heart is already broken.
5 votes for a update??? :D I need a little motivation!

fine print. (Harry Styles)
Fanfiction(Editing in process). "How about we just be friends." Were the 7 word that had torn my world apart. It caused me a shit load of problems, pushed me over bored... literally over bored. As the smell of salt overwhelms my nose, the cool wind b...