fine print.

654 13 7

"How about we just be friends."

..are the 7 word that had torn my world apart.. caused me a shit load of problems, and caused me to go over bored. Literally over bored.


The smell of salt is overwhelming while the cool wind blows into my face, blowing my long brown hair everywhere. This moment is a moment to remember. I feel a little weightless, like my life is about to change forever and I'm ready for what ever change it is. But that moment is cut short when in a blink of an eye, all I feel is cold around. I'm struggling, being pulled down with every move I take. My lungs are loosing air and being filled up with water as the struggle goes on... I am utterly terrified and in sock! Right before I black out I feel a strong arm is rapped around my waist tugging me into the surface. I HOPE.

 Holy Fuck! it was just a dream. Its not real. But it felt real? I really thought I was going to die at that moment. Since I am awake I should go get some thing to eat, I'm so hungry and that dream basically sucked the life out of me so I guess I need energy!

Being me, I still haven't opened my eyes. I was just laying down and waking up. but as soon as I open them, I am welcomed to a very unfamiliar ceiling. "Where the hell am I?!" the thought slipped right out of mouth. I think causing a voice from across the room to speak up.

"Leah, you are in the hospital. Do you not remember?!"


Hey, I just want to say thank you so much for reading this. It means a lot! xx

I do hope this is a good first impression to you guys, and that you liked it. I will update a lot more, if want me to. VOTE AND COMMENT please and tell me what you think and help me get more votes and reads :) love you bunch!

So I was thinking that if i get at least 5 votes i will update,  just giving myself a goal:)

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