Je 1 Jang

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3rd POV

"Sumin!!!" Minbyul yelled for the younger

"Ne Unnie!" Sumin said

" It is time to clean our room before the older girls come to do a room check," The older said

"Oh Okay!" Sumin exclaimed

'Minbyul and Sumin have been orphans since the age of 8 and 5. Minbyul is now 18 and Sumin now 15 in Korean age. The sisters weren't liked in the orphanage mainly because the girls (older one only) were jelly of Minbyul's and Sumin's looks not only that the are actually kind hearted as well. Since the orphanage being an all girl orphanage they have no chance since the were also part of the maknae line in the place. Today was also adoption day. This mean Minbyul and Sumin stay in their room until the day is over.

*After Clean their room and changing into this*

Sumin ^

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Sumin ^

MinByul ^

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MinByul ^

"Stay here and don't come out! Give us an chance to get adopted " Older girls said.

"Ne," The sister responded in unsion. After than the older girl left to the living room where the event was hosted in.

"Unnie, I made 50,000 won today in tips at the cafe yesterday" Sumin suddenly remember

"Good, we can put half into the food jar and the other half in essentials jar" Minbyul stated

"Hyung, lets look in here, then we can go if you can't anyone who fits your taste"

"YAH! That sounds so wrong when you say it like that!"

"Arraso! Minhae lets go inside!"

"Unnie, did you hear that," The younger whispered.

"Yeah, maybe if we stay silent, they won't come in here" the older whispered back.

Then their room door opened and revealed EXO's Chen and Xiumin. when the sisters saw them all they thought was how hell is going to break lose and how much it was going to hurt.

Minbyul POV

"Annyeongsayo," I said.

" Annyeong I'm Kim Minseok but you can call me Xiumin."

" And I'm Kim Jongdae but you can me Chen."

"Um I'm Minbyul and this is my yeodongseang Sumin-yah" I said trying to get Sumin from behind me.

"Not to trouble you or be rude, but do you think you can leave so we don't get in trouble get in trouble ourselves" Sumin said is almost an mumbling.

"Trouble? Why would you get in trouble?" Chen asked.

"Well, yous see here Chen oppa, we aren't allowed to be adopted because the older give said that they have no chance if we been seen. We are usually always wanted but we promised to stay together. So, we refused to get adopted unless they want the both of us. Since we won't be adopted unless we are together the Ahjussgi and Ahjumma usually just leave. The older girls won't have on every adoption day we just stay in our room and I work and Su just practices dancing" I stated also using Sumin nickname.

" Well, how about we help with that?" Xiumin said.

"Jinja! How?" Sumin exclaimed

'How many times a day does get excited like I loveher but she way to hyper for some one who doesn't eat candy a lot?' I thought to myself. "Yeah, How?" I said out aloud

"Well, how about we adopt you two"Xiumin said. As soon as he said that I ran up to him and hugged

"OMG ! YES! We finally getting out of this place" I screamed out of excitement

"YAH! Didn't we tell you to stay quiet and let us get an-"

"Oh, are you girls the ones telling them that you have no chance to get adopted because of these two girls" Chen asked cuttng her off

"Oh, I-I-I d-d-didn't mean to cause any harm" She stutter out

"Well, you haven nothing to worry about anymore," Xiumin said

"Why is that?"

" We will be adopted the both of them," Xiumin said

"Oh, Well ok" she said with an obvious jealousy in her voice

"Well, have fun girls."

"Ne,"the sisters said in unison. Then the girls walked out.

"They are scary." Sumin said in English

"Agreed," I answered back in English

"You two can speak English?" Chen asked

"Yeah, because we are Korean American," I said

"Oh, okay lets get you two pack and Xiumin hyung is going to sign the Adoption papers," Chen said

"Okay," Sumin said while I nodded my head. We started to pack everything

"Well, you can my song books and snacks and don't eat them " I said while mumbled okay

*After packing*

" May I ask something" Chen asked me. I just nodded "Well, how do you have these clothes and eletronics"

"Easy, You see I work for YG and JYP as an online Stylist and Producer/Songwriter. While Sumin works in an cafe" said picking up my make bag

"Why do you work? Should your caretaker do that for you." Chen asked

" Well She has many things to do she puts the older in charge but the don't feed us or anything like that so we have to do it ourselves. So basic I work for Sumin and Mine school tuition and clothes while Sumin works for Food and basic essentials and if we have more than enough money after we buy what we need we buy stuff we want but we really don't have a lot. You see these look like they cost a lot but really don't, but that doesn't stop us we still look good while only spending such little amount. I have phone because that how i contact with YG and JYP while Sumin doesnt have one yet but will one day when we have enough money." I stated while walking to the front door

" Oh, you two must have a hard time here." Chen said

"You have no idea" I said " But that another story to tell"

"Yeah now come on and see if Xiumin hyung is finish signing the papers"

"Okay" I said 'This is going to be eventful' it thought

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