Brighter Lands

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I hate what I hate

 love what I love

my freedom, the key

that flies like a dove

far away

and further more

to a land, a kingdom

of dreams galore

deep hidden thoughts

bubbly bright dreams

glamoures laughter

horrific screams

fierce howling winds

high piercing tides

a night so dark

the moons piercing eyes

I stand at the edge

of a bottomless pit

full of monsters and demons

and a light in the midst

of chaos and wonder

laughter and screams

hugs and scars

anger and need

silver tears

stolen cries

hair flying fast

over wandering eyes

my arms like wings

pierced by tries

over and over

inside I die

yet I jump across

that bottomless pit

to a brighter land

were sadness is hid

so much life

you've never seen

laughter and happiness

no more needs

a rustle, a laugh

blades of grass

golden stones

that weave the path

to destiny and fate

secrets and lies

laughter and happiness

I peace I die


Finally done!!!!!

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