My Sweet dead freind
were have you gone?
Wind in your hair,
Your sparkling eyes dancing with happiness
Your smile constantly set
Bending unde noone's will
light glowing naturally in your veins
and sparkling out of every part of you
and when the darkest storms hit
and filled the air with a sensation of despair
your positive caring aura
spread and refreshed the air
reinforcement for my weak soul
which often crumbled,
a fading light
and your bright raging fire kept it alive
but latley my soul fades
drowning in despair
crying constantly
for that beautiful comforting smile
it seems you are dead
carried off, taken away
drowned by
by the very dreams that bought you to me
your light fading
as the seconds pass
minutes become hours
and hours days
something inside of me has died
carried off by the wind
next to you
a funeral for two souls
oh were have you gone
let your soul prevail
and your soul prevail
and your light vanishing all darkness
oh freind
oh my freind
oh sweet dead freind
PoetryWell hey people! yeah i decided to write again (just couldn't resist!) well this is actually gunna be a collection of poems that realate to bith my life and some of the lifes of my closest freinds. umm so yeah hope u liiikkkkeee!