Chapter One~ The Neighbors

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Sitting in the driver's seat, since you have your driver licences. Now why what you doing in a car driving, if you are wondering? Well then my dear victim of mine you are heading to live with your grandma to help her out, since your other siblings couldn't do it they were having trouble of their own. Understanding that, your parents same thing, but your other family side were a bit-- well, more of terrible people who wouldn't dare to help her. Selfish people they were to leave someone who stand by their side, when no one have no one to trust, or loved.

Sighing of that you did have an  nasty fight them. Let's just say you had put a 'special' present for them all, by that leaving a dead rat in a box in the kitchen for them to be horror. Funny now how you didn't look the type to do stuff like that really deep inside you were. Have an little evil that was inside of you that you have tamed to hold in most of the time, if someone does push you to that edge. You can say you have an small villain side that you had developed while growing up. Didn't know why it happen, nor why you do it deep inside it felt--- nice to see someone in terror, or speechless whatever you've do.It was just fulfilling to see it, or do it towards the people.

Now then, getting that introduction out of that way. Finally making  to the house your grandma notice the car, smiling knowing it was you, getting out of the car, and hurried on towards you with her arms open. "My sweet granddaughter." the happiest tone you can ever hear from her giving a hug back with a smile. "Good to see you too grands." didn't mind you called her that, letting you go. Getting your bags, even the left over's that belongs to her. Looking at your granny, "I hope the trip here wasn't bad as mine." joked a bit, and smiled at her. "It was wonderful, don't need to worry so much ___. I can handle things." seeing using all her energy to show a giggle came out. "Com'on, let's head in and unpack the boxes." you say to her, there is one thing you didn't notice the neighbors seeing you looked like they wanted to come out, but seeming something was holding them back. Raising an eyebrow walking om inside the house beginning to unpack.

There weren't much around the house, but it's a start. Going to check on your grandma, who was asleep on her bed already. Smiling softly going over to cover her up, and shutting the lights off. Heading to your room to finish what was left.

Next day appeared, birds were singing, and people were still hiding in their homes still. You were very curious at the moment of this. Being up early before your Grandma, and the reason for that making her breakfast so she wouldn't have a fuss for it. Leaving a note on the table for her next to her food getting on your black sweater, heading out of the house. Making sure it was locked as well, carrying the extra key with you seeing it was silent out here looking left and right, then notice the weird hat house across the street from you making an very suspicious expression of this slowly walking across there not thinking at all what, just looking at the strange house wondering who owns this place. Making to the front gates you were very curious at the moment reaching to push open. One of the teens around stopped you, "Wouldn't enter there if I were you kid." pausing for the moment, and turn. Only to see other teens, maybe about seventeen, and eighteen. "Why not?" you asked with an serious tone, "That place is bad news, mainly the person you'll be talking with isn't the nicest neighbor here of the street." one explained to you about the place, and a man... Grumpy man?

"He has three people in there as well, they work for him what we got some information." the other explained, but then there was a pause being confuse didn't know they were up to no good. "I'd give you thirty dollars to do it." a female, maybe look a bit preppy told you. Raising an eyebrow at her at first, but making a small grin. "Sure.~" pulling the gate open, as the others froze seeing you walking along the path to the door.  "Wait! She was kidding!" shouted out to you, but not turning back now already wanting to know about these people they speak about. Getting to the door, and ringed the door bell. The teens begin to scramble away, just watching them by the door you chuckled a bit. "Whimps.." rolled your eyes, "I must agree with you young lady.~" tensed a bit, and turned to a man---- Let me rephrase that, a man who looked very different, wearing a top hat, a  monocle over his left eye, and not to mention wearing an fancy dark clothing. Staring up at the male, seeing his green sharp teeth grinning at you. Have to admit-- at the moment you are nervous to speak to him. For that reason, he seems like he'll harm you right in the spot clearing your throat, and mind. "I guess hello to you as well." sounding a bit calm, well trying to. Hiding your nervousness from him the man leans on the other side door at you, "Pretty brave of you young miss.~" that grin only grew wider, "right..." now starting to feel uncomfortable at the moment he had rose an brow. "I haven't seen you around here before, taking it you are a new neighbor?~" now circling around you to get every detail. Getting a disgust expression, "yeah I am." answered the mans question getting a chuckle out of him, "Now tell me, what brings you here young lady?~" now it's just getting creepy with this guy giving a glare at him a bit. "Well only came here to see what this rumor is about, mainly I was curious what the neighbor here looks like." answering another, just to see the other looked... amused.

"Coming here first, don't seem afraid, and rather check something more different than seeing the other neighbors... How interesting.." he mutter the last part, then pausing at the moment. Smirked a bit, "Forgive me, I forgot to introduce myself to you. I am Black Hat.~" he purred his name, "Well then---- I am ___." giving your name to this strange man. Hearing crashing noises behind him to see a girl popping, "I smell newbie!~" giving an insane smile at you, another appear panting. "I tried to stop her." hearing the paper bag head said, as Black Hat growled at the two. "Demencia how many times I will tell you..." glaring at her deadly only to see the girl scramming away, the other male looks at you. "Oh new neighbor, hi." can hear that happy tone from him, yet nervous at the same time. "Hey." giving a smile at him though seeming nice. "Alright, you've met Dr. Flug already can't chat because he has things to do..." glaring at him as well to see that doc running back inside you were dumbfounded at the moment not knowing what the hell just happen, "Well then my deary.~" he straighten himself, snapping out of the thought looking at the other, "I am sure you might be busy yourself?" he says, looking like he was trying to scare you. Not a budge coming from you, then thought at the moment. "I do have unpacking still... So I guess I do." calming saying it. Black Hat just stared at you for the moment, like he was staring at something--- different, you turn to him. "Well then see ya, or something." Walking off he just watched you walking away.

a evil grin rose up, "An interesting female.~" hummed, then getting an evil thought of it now.

"An interesting neighbor indeed.~" 

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