The Eight Entry [the end]

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'What was it, Hae? I didn't quite catch that...'

Donghae snuggled even closer. 'I love you I love you I love you I...' he hiccuped, ' I love you I love you I lo...' 

His speech never actually ended, just turned into sobs and incoherent babbling of a crybaby he was.

Hyuk smiled and pulled him closer to rest his back on the wall. They stayed like this for a while, Eunhyuk caressing Donghae's hair, the latter calming down with every minute.

However, as we all know, beautiful moments like this never last too long, and a few minutes latet they heard moans and groans coming from the entryway. 

Hyukjae turned his head toward the door, just to see Yesung storming in his direction. 'Hyukjae-sshi...' - he stopped and scanned the two hugging guys from head to toes. ' have to go to SMEnt main building... I don't know the details, but it has something to do with our next dance preformance or something...' his voice softened, as he noticed Donghae's red eyes. 

'Ah, sure... I'll go in a minute...' Hyuk sighted and started moving his hand on his friend's back in circle motion. 

'Hyung, you actually have to go right this minute' Siwon added, crepting closer to them.

Eunhyuk sighted once again and struggled from Donghae's steel grip. His heart almost melted at the sight of Hae's desperate puppy eyes and his hands gripping Hyuk's shirt.

'Hae-ah, I'll be back soon and we'll talk then, ok?' he whipped the younger's tears with his thumbs. Donghae dropped his gaze onto the floor and Hyuk looked pleadingly at Siwon, who smiled and sweeped Hae off the ground.

'Hello there, the prince of tears. Your greatest servant came to fetch you to your room!' he exclaimed happily, carrying the fishy princess-style and soon disappearing at the corner.

Eunhyuk glanced at the floor and noticed a familiar notebook once again. He grinned, grabbed it and run towards his room.

Donghae's POV

I glanced at Hyukjae once last time, but he was already running towards his room. Then I hugged Siwon's neck, visions of the boy dropping me creeping somewhere in my mind. Siwon, cheerful as always, tried to have a conversation with me, but I just couldn't voice my thoughts.

Actually, I was becoming more nervous and frustrated with every minute.

Why didn't he say anything?

Maybe I went overboard...?

Maybe he felt disgusted? 

No, I don't think so... 

He hugged me, right?

But what if he did it because of pity? 

Is he going to reject me?

But he could do it right at the moment... 

And now he had to go away, and I must still wait! If he's going to reject me, why couldn't he do it then?! 

I groaned loudly, digging into the blankets of my bed. Siwon stared at me for a bit, probably not sure if he should leave.

'Siwon-ah, thanks... But can you please leave me alone for a bit? I'm a bit... sleepy.'

'Sure. Call me if you need something, okay?'

I nodded.

He left the door open and I heard Sungmin's loud voice, calling Hyukkie to be faster and finally get out of his room.

I sat on the bed and looked around, noticing the bowl with my fishies. I slowly stood up and strolled towards them, poking on the glass as I got close enough. 'You're so lucky, just carelessly swimming around, you know that...?' - I said and sighted.

I looked out of the window to see the evening approaching, the sky going gray. I felt so bad for not being able to enjoy my free day as I wanted, I jumped on my bed once again and snuggled into the pillow. After some time I felt sleepy.

When I woke up, it was really dark in the room. I opened my eyes and stared into darkness for a bit, but then I realized there was something warm lying next to me. 

My heart skipped a bit when I hugged the sleeping man and sniffed his scent. 

I quickly glanced at the clock. It was already past midnight, and I was surprised I slept that long. At first I wanted to wake Hyukkie up to have a talk, as he promised, but I thought he must have been exhausted.

I leaned beside him and wanted to cuddle, but I felt something lying between our pillows. I touched it reluctantly, but as I felt the cold surface of a notebook's cover, I snatched it and moved towards my bedsite lamp. I turned it on, careful not to wake Hyuk up. 

I opened it on the last entry and saw a short scribble underneath it.

Dear diary...

I have to tell you something very, very important, and I guess a simple 'I love you too, Hae' is not enough.

Still I don't have a single minute more to spare...! 

I'll just kiss him good morning tomorrow.

Mhm, that will do. 

Hyukjae's POV

At first I felt something warm touching my face.

Then I felt some pressure on my lips.

And then I opened my eyes.

And melted.


Hello my dear readers!

First of all I want to thank you for reading Dear dairy... until the very end.

Also, to tell the truth, I started writting this fic because of an English competition that was appropaching and I wanted to improve my writting skills. Now, I want to share with you that I got a great score, and so I'm ending the fic. So, the goal achieved. 

I love you all guys and hope you'll enjoy my future stories. 

Hi hi hi.

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