Crash landing

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Gcd lost track of how long they had been there, rocketing through space, maybe an hour? Normally Gcd would be amazed and by how beautiful space was but today it felt cold and empty. She had just lost her mother, father, and home but she still had her sister by her side, one thing left of what she loves.

Ogd had fallen asleep ages ago, maybe it was ages ago? Gcd wasn't sure anymore. She knew she should sleep as well but she couldn't help worry that something was going to go horribly wrong and of course she was correct.

They were far from their planet but just close enough to get impact from their home planet exploding into a million little pieces. A wave of force radiated from the explosion. "BANG" one of the engines was blown right off, "WEEEOOOW" the alarms blared waking up Ogd. She screamed in fright "what happened G?!" "We lost an engine!" answered Gcd the fear obvious in her voice. The ship spiraled from its original path and continued to spin.

The alarms blared and the lights flashed red. "Emergency landing, finding the nearest planet to land," said the programmed voice. "Course set for Zircon, do you wish to land on this planet?" " YES! Just get us to safety!" screamed Gcd at the top of her voice as she grabs Ogd and pulls her close. The two girls hold each other tightly as the programmed voice accepts their command.

The orange face of the planet comes into view, it looks dry and dead. This planet is their only hope of surviving so why not give it a chance. The landing was going to be rough and they knew that they might not even survive it. "Landing in three" Gcd hugs her sister tighter "two" Ogd shuts her eyes as the ground becomes almost perfectly visible" one" They smash into the sand of Zircon, landing roughly. Inside the two girls are thrown around but yet still holding onto each other. Gcd blacks out, the last thing she sees is her sister also passing out.

Ogd's eyes flutter as she takes in her surroundings. Sand, just sand. Her muscles ache as she tries to lift herself from the orange grains of the sand. "Gcd, where is Gcd?" The question flew around her mind and she stood up. The escape pod was a wreck, it would definitely never fly ever again. "GCD, GCD? Where are you?" , yells Ogd as she walks around the wreckage seeing nothing of her sister until she noticed the light green cloak of her sister's waving gently in the cool breeze. "GCD!" yelled Ogd as she scrambled through the sand towards her unconscious sister. 

Gcd was lying face first in the sand when Ogd finally reached her. Ogd quickly attempted to flip her over and with much effort, she succeeded. Ogd gently brushed the sand off her sister's face and rested her ear on Gcd's chest hearing the soft "ba-bump" of her heart. Good, her heart was beating and she was breathing normally. Ogd sighed a breath of relief. Her sister was alive, but how long could they last here? Ogd had no clue. 

Gcd's light brown and dark brown tipped hair was a mess. Ogd was different to Gcd, they didn't even look anything alike though they were sisters in blood. Ogd had light brown skin, brown eyes and dark brown hair, like her father. Gcd had light skin and blue eyes like her mother. The pair was inseparable, they had never fought, not even once. 

Even though a cool breeze swept through the empty sand planes, Ogd knew they had to find shelter. There was no way they could construct a makeshift shelter with what was left of the pod. They had to get out of here, some way or another.  

A sled, what the girl's used to use to slide down the grassy hills of Enarnion. A sled is what she is to build, maybe she could drag her sister on it and take her somewhere safe if there was somewhere safe.

Hours pass and Ogd had constructed a small sled, long and wide enough to put her sister on and take her out of here. The sled was made from a panel of Enarnion metal from the side of the pod, it was only a little dented. Gcd had to rip a long strip of cloth from her shirt to fasten to the panel so that she could drag it behind her easily.

Sliding Gcd on the sled was hard work, almost impossible for a girl like Gcd. Gcd had never carried anything heavier than half of herself, that was a problem because Gcd was not a big girl. She was a skinny 13-year-old.

Hours pass, or how long it was, Gcd didn't know but it was starting to get dark. Her hope was starting to fade until she saw it. A big cylinder metal...thing? A rectangle was cut out of the front, like a doorway. A colorless material was held up by two metal poles, like a shade in front of the doorway. It was a perfect place to spend the night, it was getting cold.

Gcd went inside, carrying her sister and leaving the sled outside. She sat down, it felt hard but it was just sand on the floor? Gcd didn't care, she cradled her sister and slowly fell asleep.

A sharp deep yell struck Gcd awake.

Hey guys Ed here! hope you enjoyed the second chapter! more is on the way, I promise! (i just learned how to make this bold, don't judge me i'm new to this!) 

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