Chapter 2: Her

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Chapter 2

The busy night was illuminated by the bright lights of Shizume city where people were either going home or continuing doing their business without caring about anything in this world. Everyone was too distracted with their own lives and paid no attention to a girl who was crouching a corner of an alley way, watching them as they passed by.

It may seem normal for youngsters these days to hangout late at night but she was different. She was here patiently observing them, waiting to find the right prey to carry out her plan tonight. Her fingers twitched in anticipation to skilfully swipe all her victims priceless belongings and quickly disappear before getting caught by anyone.

The girl sighed softly as she ran her fingers through her hair to untangle the knots. She didn't know if it was safe for her to come out tonight after encountering the crazy incident a few days ago. However, she knew she cannot hide forever, knowing that she still had to somehow get an income to pay her food and bills.

The price these days were rising and it irritates her to no end that she would have to take out more of her sleeping hours to steal. She dreads a day where she would be caught but so far she heard nothing on police taking on the case. She thinks that maybe pickpockets in the city are quite common and they could do nothing about it.

She shudder slightly as the cold air prick on her skin while waiting, enjoying the noisy street filled with the sound of vehicles and peoples. Even with her dark green jacket she stole a few days ago, it did not help her against the cold night like any other days. It seems that this winter will be colder than usual and she would need to get an extra winter clothing to survive.

The thought about it started to irritate her and she quickly slipped her hand into the pocket, rummaging around for the cigarette package that she had just bought recently. She desperately needs to feel the addictive nicotine in her lungs that would always empty her mind from all the annoying problems that she was facing in life.


Her inner consciousness muttered to her as she sat on the creaking rusted railing beside the wall where she could lean on. She learnt it was best to run away from problem than to handle it straight on. Those who said it otherwise can just continue to suffer their own way since she has her own plate to worry about.

"Now where is that damn lighter..."

She grumbled tiredly as she started patting her shorts and jacket to find the small little silver box while holding the cigarette between her lips. It was already a bad day and there was no way in hell she would go back home just to grab a freaking lighter. Just as she was about to yanked the cigarette out from her lips and throw it on the ground, it suddenly lilted up, startling her.


With that sudden distraction, she forgotten to concentrate on her balance and slipped down from the railings. Yelping in pain as her butt hit the cold hard concreted cement ground. She bit her lips hard to stop swearing in anger before looking up when she felt a presence in front of her.

Her eyes widen as she saw a man in his early twenties staring down at her while a cute young girl peeking behind his legs curiously. He has a red fiery messy hair that sticks out in every direction as if he just woke up from a long nap. He was wearing a black leather jacket with a fur collar and a plain while V-neck shirt which shows his intimidating tall muscular figure. What caught her eyes was the silver chains attached from his belt to the back pocket of his dark blue denim jeans.

The man with his amber eyes, watching her every move. Her heart beat nervously as she saw his gaze, staring at her like a predator sizing up a potential threat. She knew one day she was going to run out of luck with pick pocketing and stealing. She sighed in defeat before breaking their eye contact by staring at her forgotten burning cigarette.

"Look, I'm sorry if I stole something from you alright? I got to pay by bills somehow."

She broke the silence and carefully stood up, raising her hands in surrender. Run while you can, her mind kept screaming at her stupidity. Cautiously glancing at the man before dusting her green jacket as she discreetly tries to find an escape. She cursed her luck when she remembered that she had picked a dead end alleyway and there was no exist route for her to take.

"So what did I took? I'll get it back for you."

She never remembers what she stole and immediately took the items to a pawn shop to exchange it for cash. Maybe if she gave back what she had taken, the man would leave her alone. He does not seem like the kind to yank her to the nearest police station and fill in a report but she knows not to judge anyone by their appearance.

After a few minutes of staring at each other, Mikoto sighed disappointedly when he felt Anna slowly releasing the tight grip on his jacket and knew immediately that the girl in front of him was not an enemy. He casually took out a cigarette from his jacket and started inhaling the burning aroma of the poison stick while pondering what to do with this situation.

She was the only witness to Tatara's incident and he needed answers. He did not expect her to be a thief but now her presence could be explained hanging around a dangerous area where Tatara had been shot. However, he could feel there was more to her being there at that time and she was hiding something from him.

"Why were you on that roof?"

With that, a burst of his aura suddenly engulf him. Amber red eyes staring locked into her crystal clear eyes as she slowly step away. He could see her fear, her struggles to remain standing as he suffocates her with his powers. He watched her slide down the wall, legs giving up on her as his power overwhelmed her.

Pushing forward, he quickly grabbed her forearm and yanked her up, not caring that he was roughly manhandling her right now. He want answers and he is going to get them one way or another. Before he could continue his interrogation, a small green crystal sphere slipped out from one of her jacket pocket and rolled towards his foot.

Mikoto frown before releasing the girl and picked up the object to inspect. At first glance, it looks like one of Anna's marbles and he threw it aside, not caring about the small object. However, what he did not expect it was to suddenly cause a small explosion a few metres away from them. His eyes quickly flickered back to the girl who was gaping at the small destruction made by the sphere before looking back at him.

"I swear I didn't know those were miniature bombs!"

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