Chapter 1: Bar

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Chapter 1

A few months later...

"I'm sorry Mikoto... I have bad news..."

The empty whisky glass in his hands cracked. His fingers melted the rim and sides before crushing the tiny fragile object. The glass shards scattered around the table, no doubt that the bartender would nag later on but Izumo's tired voice still ringing in his ears, playing like a broken record over and over again, taunting him, reminding him, suffocating him.


In the silence empty bar, he sat still. Body hunched in defeat and tiredness as he continue to crunch the broken glass in his hands, not even bothering about the dark and cold chills of the autumn night. He could not think, mind numb from maybe shock or in a silent acceptance that his friend would die tonight.

His friend. The goddamn carefree idiot. The annoying blonde who could still laugh and smile if the world was ending tomorrow. The person who saw good in him when he himself couldn't recognise himself in the mirror sometimes. He could feel an invincible knife twisting in his gut before being ripped out and stab over the same spot over and over again.

Why is it always-

His throat tighten, desperately holding back a frustrated cry of anger. This was why no one should be around him. It was bad enough that he is a ticking time bomb and now one of his friend was attacked. The chilling loneliness and fear binding him, reminding him again that maybe it was a mistake to let anyone near him again.

Hurt. Shot. Blood. Won't Stop. Dying.

His hands trembled. He could feel the blood of his friend on his hands, the sticky metallic liquid dripping all over his arms, painting him as the guilty one. It was his fault. He was not strong enough to protect all his precious people, letting some bastard take a shot at one of their weakest clansman knowing it would tear everyone apart.


Ember eyes flickered dangerously to Anna who was sitting obediently next to him. She was eyeing him warily but made no movement indicating her fear. He quickly closed his eyes before forcing himself to calm down. Causing an outburst right now would do no one any good and he did not want to accidently harm Anna.

Anna was emotionlessly staring at the door of the bar where everyone had left to search for Tatara. She tried. She had tried to stop him from going out because of a bad feeling. Her red ruby eyes glanced down at her clenched hands which was gripping her marbles tightly. Was she going to lose another family member again just like last time with her aunt?

Maybe she should have tried harder to stop him or told Mikoto or someone then maybe Tatara would be fine but she didn't. She trusted him when he said that he would not wonder far or too long. She had watched him go and now she may never see him come back anymore, wanting to believe that these past few days paranoia was just nothing but her immaginations.

Lightning flashed outside, illuminating the room for a few seconds before it was dark again. Even nature could sense the turmoil for their fallen comrade and decided to share their worries and frustrations. Morning for the kind-hearted man that brought all of them together, creating unforgettable memories before forever reminding what they would be losing tonight.

"Mikoto...I think there was a woman here..."

Mikoto gripped the phone in his hand before forcing them to loosen up. The redhead's eyes narrowed as he heard the hesitant voice from the blonde. A woman?

"I think she was trying to save him before we arrive but disappeared. Tatara is still in a critical condition..."

Izumo patiently waited for his king to say something but silent was the only thing he received over the phone. His mind stopped thinking when he heard that gunshot. His gut telling him that they were already too late, dreading the worst for his friend. He nearly cried in hysterical when he saw the blonde lying there on the ground surrounded by his own pool of blood.

There he saw a girl applying pressure on the wound on his abdomen and pleading for him to keep his eyes open. Yata being consumed by rage instantly charged towards, knocking the girl aside, reaching out to the bleeding Tatara. Izumo did not think much about the brunette too and went to aid Yata before realising that the girl had called an ambulance but was nowhere to be found.

All that was left on the crime scene was blue flower hair accessory which he was sure belonged to the girl. An eight petal navy blue flower with some lighter blue fabric decorating the side and three long string of beads dangling from the flower. He quickly pocketed the item before rushing towards Tatara's side into the ambulance.

"Keep me posted."

Mikoto sighed tiredly and hanged up before throwing his phone in frustration towards the couch opposite him. He massage his temple before taking some deep breaths to calm his rising irritations. Sometimes he found it funny that everyone seemed to doubt that he had a temper as he sleeps all day long, doing nothing but drinking and lazing around.

His powers were already deteriorating, he could feel it going wilder and harder to control. His clansmen were in danger of an unknown as well as him. But right now, he was just too tired of everything. The redhead sighed again and looked down at Anna who was still staring at her hands quietly.

This has to stop. He had to end this madness before it caused more casualty and grief even if he had to forfeit his life to protect them. It was worth it. The happiness and warmth they brought into his life can never be repaid. To him, if there was no clansmen, there should be no king. The power to protect, he remembered Tatara once said to him when he was in the verge to succumb to his powers and let it go.

He placed his hand on the silver head girl before ruffling her snowy locks softly, understanding her guilt and the denial for the blonde to be gone. He will protect them. A burden as king he will have to shoulder alone until the very end. Maybe, maybe this was the time where his destructive powers would be put to good use, to sacrifice to protect his only family, Homra.

He pulled backed his hand before staring back at the ceiling to relax and closed his eyes again. The thought of sleeping forever did sound good to him but not right now. He have a job to finish and maybe it would be his last gift to them before he exhaust himself. His last gift to those who stood by him, giving him the best memories to keep forever.

"Anna, I need you to find the girl Izumo mentioned..."

Anna blinked at the sudden shift of Mikoto's behaviour before nodding. Getting off the couch, she placed 5 red marbles that she took out from her pocket on to the table. She closed her eyes before focusing on the faint aura left of the woman on the building. Slowly, the marbles began to glow bright red and started moving in circles on the map of Shizume City, searching for their prime suspect.

One by one, the marbles stopped moving before all of them collided against one spot from the map. She slowly eyed the map before turning her head to face Mikoto who was waiting patiently for her search. She nodded at him before standing up to give him a better look of where the marbles were located on the map.

"I found her."

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