Part 1

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(okay so this first chapter is written awful says i looking back on it but i really cant be asked to fix it but the next chapter will be a lot better, hopefully)


today is my first proper shoot. i don't really like being a model but i don't have much choice in the matter. the whole starving yourself to fit in isn't really my deal so luckily I'm a plus sized model and don't have to completely conform to societies unrealistic beauty standards. 

"Hey ash, is that your name ?" Asked an unbelievably beautiful and skinny girl 

"Um yeah" I reply nervously.

"Cool, I'm Gabby by the way. Was this your first proper shoot ?"

"Yeah" i laughed " It wasn't that bad though"

"Ah its never as bad as you think its gunna be. Do you smoke ?"

"Yeah i do, why ?"

"Wanna go out for a smoke ? Clear our heads a bit"

"Yeah sure, lead the way"

Gabby takes me out to black doors and round the back of the building to a rusty little corner.

"Perfect mattys shoot just finished he'll be down here in a minute" Gabby said smiling down at her phone. 

"How is you're boyfriend, is he nice ?" I asked.

Just as I said that a man with a head of Black, tangled hair emerged from the doors we had just walked through.
"Matty !" Gabby exclaimed loudly.
"Y'alright love" he asked, surprised at her sudden show of affection.
"Yeah it just feels like forever since I've seen you !" She said pouting.
"You literally stayed round last night what are you talking about?" He chuckled.

She then leaned in for a quick little kiss which he turned into a more heated one causing me to have to clear my throat so gabby remembered I was still here smoking a cigarette.

Gabby then turned round and said
"Oh this is my new friend Ash! She's gorgeous isn't she?"
"Yeah definitely" replied Matty not exactly how he should answer that.
"Hey, we should invite her to the party tonight !" Gabby asked him excitedly.
"Yeah totally, wanna come ?" He asked his eyes drifting over to mine.
"I would love to but I don't have any nice clothes because I just moved here." I replied.
"We're just going to have to buy you something then. Matty you want to come shopping ?" Gabby said decisively.
"Yeah alright"
"Great you can drive us then" she replied with a grin.

"Come on ash try it on !" Gabby whined
"It would look so good on you"
"I don't think my boobs could even fit in that"
Matty chuckled from the corner seat he was in earning him a glare from Gabby.
"Go on you have to at least try it on"
"Fine" I say as I walk into the dressing room with a tight black mini dress with a very low neck and roses embroided  all around it. 

I was wrong. It was gorgeous. I loved every second of wearing it.
"Stop staring at yourself in the mirror ash and let us see !" I heard Gabby's voice shout from outside.

I stepped out and Gabby gasped "YOU LOOK AMAZING OH MY IMAGINARY GOD"
Then matty looked up at me and couldn't stop looking. He looked as if he where lost for words until he said "You look great love" which made me smile.
"Come on then let's go buy it" Gabby said dragging my hand towards the till.
"Um I don't think I have enough to afford it" I said.
"Are you kidding, our treat, I'll pay." Matty said looking at me kindly.

"Okay so Matty were gunna go back to my place get all dolled up and then because you drove us here I'll take everyone to the party, so I'll pick you up around 9. That cool ?" Gabby said very quickly.
Matty chuckled at her organisation and said " yes love " in a very sweet voice.

-getting ready at gabby's-

".....and done" gabby said stepping back, looking at the masterpieces of wings she had drawn on my eyelid.
"Wings so sharp they could kill a man I always say" Gabby said smiling.

"Thanks Gabby you really didn't have to.." I said looking back at her
"Oh it's no problem. Put on your shoes, we're gunna be late to pick up Matty"
I was dressed in the black short and very revealing black dress with roses we had bought earlier today and some beautiful black chunky suede high heeled shoes. Gabby said that I wouldn't need a jacket so I didn't take one. Gabby looked stunning, who am I kidding she always looks stunning no matter what she wears.

We pulled up to mattys flat and Gabby said "Stay here I'll just get Matty" a little while later they re-appeared through the doors and Matty jumped in the back.
"Hey Ash, you look great by the way" matty said looking directly into my eyes.
"Thanks Matty, as do you" I said chuckling slightly.

-At the party-
We walked into this massive house. The person who owns is must be rich as hell. Matty pointed it out a couple of his friends George, Ross and Adam sitting by a table so we walked over to them.
"Who's this beautiful lady ?" Asked who I think was George with a devilish grin.
"That's ash, she's pretty cool" matty replied with a nod in my direction.
There weren't enough seats so matty sat down and Gabby sat on his lap playing with his curls. I felt abit weird being the only one standing up but I guess I would have to deal with it.
"Hey Ash you can sit on George, I'm sure he won't mind" Matty said fighting off laughter. In fact I did just that. i went over and draped myself across George. 

Then suddenly a pitbull song came on. "Turn this shit off!" Matty yelled out.
And to our surprise it did turn off and was replaced with 'Dirty Diana' by Micheal Jackson.
Gabby laughed and said "They must've known it was Matty to have put this on then"
But matty had already stood up and was dragging Gabby onto the dance floor. George made a gesture for me to get up so we could follow which I did. It was really funny watching Matty dance because you couldn't make your mind up wether it was really good are awful. But gabby seemed to be having a good time because Matty would sing it pointing at her. It was quite sweet actually. It took me a couple of moments to realise that George was trying to dance with me. But eventually I realised and turned round to dance with him. Once the song was done I turned round to everyone and said "I'm going out for a fag anyone wanna come ?" Everyone shook their heads but Matty said "yeah sure why not".


"Your shivering, are you alright ?" Asked matty.
"Yeah I'm fine, gabby just told me I wouldn't need a jacket and I'm slightly regretting listening to her"
Matty laughed as he blew out some smoke from his mouth.
"She's weird, she never gets cold. Probably because she steals all my jackets........ that reminds me so you wanna wear my jacket for a bit? I won't mind"
I smiled at his gesture.
"Yeah, just until I finish this fag" I say smiling. He took his leather jacket off (the one from somebody else video) and handed it to me. I delicately put it on. It was very smooth. He chuckled.
"Nothing" he said " I just find it funny how you can make anything work"
I smiled at him instead of saying thankyou.
"So can Gabby though, she's gorgeous" I replied almost with a sad tone.
"Of course I mean Gabby is stunning she has a face straight out a movie scene, or a magazine. You know what I mean."
"I wish I was as skinny as her"
As soon as I said that Matty's whole body froze and he turned so he was facing my completely and put his hands on my shoulders.
"There is more than one type of beautiful and skinny definitely isn't the only beautiful. You are so beautiful Ash, I think sometimes you don't understand how many people we walk by look at you. I mean look at George he was completely transfixed by you." After a couple of moments he finished with "He's probably missing you anyway we'd better get back inside"
What did Matty mean? What was he trying to say? But I followed him inside and gave him his jacket back with a 'thanks'.

It was about 1.02 in the morning and I was finding it abit hard to look straight. My arms where slumped around George's tall frame. Matty and Gabby where nowhere to be seen but that could have just been because of my not being able to see straight thing.
"Have you got a ride home ?" George asked me, concerned.
"Yeah I think I'm probably going back to gabbys tonight, let me just go find her, you can go home" I said releasing George from my arm.
"Alright but ring me if there's any trouble" he said taking my phone from me and putting his number in.
"Okay George byeeeeeeeee" I said with a little bit of a slur as George waved me goodbye.

Okay I need to go find Gabby and Matty. I looked around the whole place for about half an hour and couldn't find them. I then went to where matty and I had had a smoke. And there he was. Sitting against the wall with his head in his hands.
"Matt...Matty..... are you okay ?"

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