Part 6

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Ash Pov  

As I woke up I could feel Mattys warm arm draped across my waist, pulling me in. It felt nice but I couldn't push this too far. Whatever this was. I hated to admit it but I was abit of a slut in high school, hence the shitty boyfriends. I knew that Matty wouldn't judge me for it and if he did I would definitely stop hanging out with him. I just don't really know what happens in proper relationships and thats what this looks like its heading towards. 

I feel Matty stir awake and I watch as his eyelids flutter open to meet my gaze. He looks so beautiful when he's just woken up, I like to think its because all of his and the worlds problems hadn't fallen onto his shoulders yet. 

In my attempt to keep the problems away and Matty in this sleepy state I pressed a kiss to hi forehead. 

"Good morning m'love" He said in an almost inaudible whisper, but I could hear him just fine.

Instead of a response I just snuggled into his chest and sighed. His hand cupped the back of my head and rubbed it. 

"Are you alright lovely?" he whispered. I nodded into his chest.

"So, plans for today, I have a fancy party that I have to go to tonight and I was wondering if you would like to attend alongside me?" Matty questioned, still rubbing the back of my head.

"What kind of activities would this party entail?" I asked his chest. 

"Well, from about 9-11 we just walk around in fancy clothes drinking champagne and talking to famous people. But, after 12, we get hammered drunk, smoke ourselves silly and start a real party. At least that's what usually goes down, especially if George and I are there." I laughed at his response and agreed to go with him. 

Matty and I spent the whole day lounging around my flat, playing video games and eating junk food. Around 7 I started getting ready and Matty went back to his place to get himself ready. I put on a short flowy black dress that came just above my knee, I put some thin knee high socks with hit and wore my high heeled doc martens. For my makeup I wore a brown smokey eye with black lipstick, I was really feeling the goth look today.

Matty turned up around 8.30 to take me to the party.

"Well don't you just look dapper" I say eyeing up his simple suit. 

"Well don't you just look emo" He said in response. 

I playfully push his arm and we get in his car to drive to the place. We pull up to this fancy as fuck mansion.

"Holy shit Matty, to say I feel out of place would be the understatement of the year." I say, my eyes still transfixed on the building that was basically the size of a normal house 10 times over. 

"You'll be alright just stick close to me, alright?" I nod and follow him up the unnecessarily long path up to the house. The closer we got the louder the classical music that was playing got. I gave Matty a "Are you joking" look. 

"Just you wait, in a couple of hours this place will be wrecked." he said smiling. 

We drank champagne and misled around the crowd for abit, most people where only interested in Matty but they where all courteous to me.

After a couple, who I had already forgotten the names of, walked away Matty whispered in my ear "What do you say we make this a little more exciting".

I nod while grinning at him and he takes my hand to guide me towards the bar. He asks for a bottle of whine and some vodka, the man behind the bar looks at the time, 11.00, and says "A bit early isn't it Matty, you normally wait at least another hour." 

"Ah well you see my girl hear is finding this all abit boring." He said as he made a nod towards me.

"Very well." The bartender says as he hands over the bottles to Matty. 

"Comon' then love" Matty says to me as I lean into his neck and he drag me outside into the overly sized garden.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we rush past the people still tending to their champagne and only waiting for the people they're talking to to stop so they can talk about their things, their life, their car. 

"Patience" he replied. 

Eventually we reached a fire pit with sofas surrounding it at the very edge of the enormous garden. The fire was lit in the middle but for some reason no one was around. 

"Everyone always forgets that this is here." Matty answered my unasked question as he sat down and motioned for me to do the same. 

"Wine or Vodka m'lady" he then asked. 

"Well I think that I'll start with abit of vodka to get me going and then progress onto the oh so classy wine" I giggled, "Oh and I almost forgot" I say as I reach into my sock to take out a small bag of green.

"You brought weed with you in your sock? So thats why I like you so much." Matty laughed.

"Well i knew that you would have papers and shit in your jacket so I thought I might swell incase the opportunity occurs."  

"Well this is the opportunity occurring so light one up babe." Matty says, kissing my cheek and handing me the supplies I need to make a blunt. 

I roll one up in a matter of seconds and light it, passing it to Matty. He takes a drag and passes it to me, this goes on until the blunts finished. 

I was rather drunk by 12 but the weed calmed me down so I wasn't raging. I move so I'm lying down on the sofa with my head on Mattys lap. He plays with my hair and drapes his suit jacket over me as a blanket. 

"The sky is very pretty tonight." I say suddenly breaking the comfortable silence. 

"Just like you then?" he says, poking my side. 

I Just laughed then snuggled closer into Matty. It was picture perfect but it was going to end at some point. 

"I..I think I love you." Matty said suddenly.

"Your just in love with the moment Matty, you've got a lot to learn, you fall in love at least 5 times a day."

He sighed and nodded before lifting me up onto his lap and hugging me. We stayed like this for a while and then Matty started placing delicate kisses on my neck, moving down to my collar bone. 

I lift his chin up so his lips are lined up with mine and I softly place my lips to his. We just kissed softly like this for a while but we both started to want more. His tongue swiped my bottom lip which I eagerly accepted, I pushed his chest down so he was lying down and I was straddling his waist. I carried on kissing him while untucking his shirt from his trousers and allowing my hands to roam around his chest, tracing his tattoos. 

"Stop, stop" Matty whined after I started to move my hips against him.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I don't want to get it on at the end of some dudes garden." 

"Oh and it looks like your having a bit of um, well, trouble" I tease, gesturing towards the bulge from his trousers.

"Yeah well your really hot okay and I'm drunk." he says. 

"Come on, let's go home." I say into his neck. 

"You know my neck can't hear you right?" 

"Shut up you prick." 

 Hope you all enjoyed that awful ending hehehe. I was so tempted to start some beef in this chapter but I decided not too....

Anyway lemme know how you guys liked this chapter by leaving a good ole comment and taking the time to just press that lil star pleaseeeee. 

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