Chapter 4

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1 year and 10 months later....(okay I am seriously going to try to stop doing the time lapse stuff)



I step off my motorcycle into Shadow Springs, England and take a deep breath. There is a forest surrounding the clearing, but it is dark and foreboding.

I look behind me and see two more cars pulling up. Two more people from my pack step out of one, and Conner and another guy step out of the other.

I met Conner one week ago. I had felt my link with my sister grow stronger, and it led me to England. Because there was a mix-up with plane tickets and such, my group and I had been caught in a small forest town called Mossilton.


"Alpha, I think we are lost," Jake, one of the pack who accompanied me, says.

"No duh," I respond grumpily, frustrated that we came all the way to England to find my lost sister, yet we were the ones who got lost. I pull on my hoodie over my scar. No need for curious locals.

I was storming around kicking the side of Jake's truck when I hear a voice say,"You know you're trespassing, right?"

I turn around and saw a tall ,and very muscular, boy around my age wearing a green army snap-back  cap and staring at me.

"No sh*t, Sherlock," I grumble and go back to kicking up dirt off the ground.

"No, I'm serious, Sherlock ," he says, eyeing me suspiciously. "I know what you are, and I want you gone now."

I glare at him and say,"I know, we will be gone in a minute or two but can you please help us out?"

He glances behind him and says,"No, leave now. This is the last time I'm asking nicely."

"Seriously!"I groan. "Can't you show a little compassion! I'm trying to find my long lost sister."

"I don't know whether you're lying or not."

"Fine,"I say and then tell him what happened to my family.

"I still don't believe you," he says after I am done.

I growl and run up towards him, trying to slap him, but he steps back while I step forward and we both slip and fall on the muddy ground, me on top of him. My hood falls off, revealing my scar running down my cheek.

"Now do you believe me?!" I half-yell, furious.

He nods vigorously while standing up and says,"I guess. You know what? Since I like you, I'll personally help you find your sister. I'm Conner, Alpha of the Treelight pack, and I can get some of them to come also. Now where did you say you were going again, and what's your name?"

"Shadow Springs,and Ashlyn."

"Perfectly fine, but I'm going to have to call you Sherlock," he says smirking.

*Flashback over*

"So, where is this town of yours," Conner says, walking up to me.

"I think it's a bit farther down the road. My link can guide me from there," I respond.

We get back in the cars and me onto my motorcycle and continue driving down the muddy, mossy, and rocky street. I can feel my link pulling me down a small dirt road. After we get out of the cars, I run down the road with Conner and the others behind me. At the end of the road is a large house, and I know that inside it we will find my sister.

"Hang on,sis,"I think to myself.



Hang on, sis.

The words echo through my head, waking me up from my dream.

That's strange, I think to myself. I wonder where that thought came from. Maybe I finally am going crazy. I never had a sister. Emily was the closest thing to family I ever had, and I caused her to die. No one would ever want to be my family.

I can feel tears in my eyes at the thought of Emily. It has been one year since the night she died. If only I hadn't asked to go outside. If only she was still here.

Since Emily had died, there was a new guard during the night. I was whipped more, and I never got to continue the studies Emily had been teaching me.

"I'm sorry, Emily,"I whisper, hoping her spirit would here me."I miss you, and I want to go with you to the safe place in the sky you always talked about."

Tears start pouring out of my eyes, but I just ignore them and keep talking.

"Please don't leave me! I don't want to be alone! I'm sorry I killed you! Please forgive me and take me with you! I can't  take this anymore! I'm sorry I'm a monster! Please just don't leave me!"

I'm sobbing now, and with each new wave of tears, it becomes harder to breath.

Emily. Left. My fault. Alone. Demon. Monster. My fault. Pain. Forever. Dead. All my fault.

 I don't know how long I cry, but after a while one of the guards tells me to shut up. So I do. I turn my sobs into small whimpers while rocking back and forth with my knees pulled up to my forehead, the cage burning my feet and back.

After a while, there is a crash upstairs, and I hear loud voices. I ignore it thinking that it is just Nicholas yelling at someone, but moments later I hear growls. Unhuman growls. The guard who was in the basement guarding me runs upstairs to see what is going on. I can hear him lock the door from the outside, leaving me alone in the dark.

This time I hear the sounds of ripping clothes, and screams. One minute later, everything is silent. Suddenly, there is a loud banging sound against the door. And then more. And then, finally the door, my only protection, cracks open and I can see dark silouhettes against the bright light shining from the door.

One of them reaches for the light, and I see a dark haired girl with a long scar on her cheek. There is a boy with dirty blonde hair holding a green hat next to her. Behind them are at least five men.

Then, they all start walking down the stair case towards me. I scream and back up as far as my cage will let me, knowing that they are the people Nicholas always warned me about. They know what a monster I am and they have come to kill me.

I can feel my entire body shaking and tears falling and I stammer quietly,"P-p-please, I-I'm s-sorry. P-please just m-make it quick."

The girl gives the boy a strange look and she unlocks the cage door with gloved hands while gently saying,"We aren't here to hurt you. Can you tell us your name?"

I nod and say,"Emily c-called m-me Selena, but sh-she's gone now. It's all m-my fault." I start crying again, thinking about Emily's death.

The girl says,"I'm Ashlyn." Then she lifts up the pant's leg of her right leg. On her ankle is a white birthmark of a crescent moon. "Do you recognize this?"

I stare on with disbelief, because I know that I have the same birthmark on my ankle. Now I realize that this must have been why Emily called me Selena, meaning moon.

I nod and the girl I now know as Ashlyn smiles at me and says,"See! I won't hurt you. Do you want to come out now?"

I slowly step out of the cage and into the arms of Ashlyn. "I'll explain it all in a little bit," she says."For now, let's finally go home."

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