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-Time skip-

Jungkook's POV

I sighed after solving the last question.
I smiled and turned to Y/n and I found her sleeping peacefully.
I titled my head to take a good look at her.

I move a stand of hair off her face and lean near to her.
I kiss her forehead and smiled. 

I ruffled her hair and looked at the time.
It shows 12.30 p.m and it's lunch break.
I kiss her forehead one more time and went to the cafeteria to buy some food for the both of us.

I went back to the class with two sandwich in my hand and found Quinn still sleeping soundly at her seat.

I went to my place and took the sticky notes from her pencil case.
I write some words on it and paste it on the sandwich which I bought for her.

Quinn's POV

I opened my eyes slowly and found Jungkook is eating sandwich.
I sat up straight and stretch myself before turned to Jungkook.

I looked at him then towards my table.
I saw a sandwich and a note on it.
I took it and read through the paper. 

' To my baby
Since you were sleeping so I decided to buy some food for you
and thank you for helping me to solve the question
Love you~~'
I smiled.

I turned to Jungkook.
" Love you too~~"
I said it with a cute tone and cute face before enjoying the sandwich that he bought for me.

-Time skip-

" Ahhhh.....Finally...."
I sighed and Jungkook ruffled my hair.
I turned him and saw him smiling at me.

" Let's go to visit your parents later...."
My face fell immediately when I heard the word 'parents' . I felt my blood boiling.

I didn't say anything and stood up from my seat, walking out of the class.
I felt everyone are glaring at me and I didn't care. 

" Y/n!!!!"
I heard Jungkook yelled my name and I turned to him.
He stopped when I signal him not to follow me but when he made one more step down from the stairs.

I glare at him with the coldest glare and that made him stop at the place immediately.
I walked away with Jungkook froze at the spot.

When I walked out of the class, I immediately ran to the rooftop.
I will go to the rooftop when I was down.
I pushed the door and leaned against the wall, looking at the sky.

Jungkook's POV

I was shocked when Y/n looked at me with cold glare that I ever had from her. She walked out from the class and I immediately snapped back to reality. 

I ran out of the class and she was no where to be found.
I pulled my phone out from my pocket and dialed to Jennie.

" Hello...?" 

" Jennie....did you saw Y/n..." I asked with worried tone.

" No....Why..?"
I tell her everything and she told me to go back to class.
I hung up when I heard her going to find her since she know where Y/n is.

I sighed while thinking what did I do.
* Is it because of the word 'parents'....?"

I walked back to class and went to my seat. 

V come to me and asked me what happened.
I told him the whole situation and he looked at me shocked. 

" Yah! You dumbass!! Remember never say the word 'parents' or 'dad' or 'mom'...Never do that...Y/n hates her parents very much...."
I nodded my head and V patted my back.

" I heard it from Jennie...she told me that...."

Yeah...right. They are close to each other.


I was sitting at the floor with my arms wrapped around my knees.
I sighed and looking at the sky when someone opened the door.
It was Jennie. She is the only one who knows I'm here when I was down.

She closed the door and sat beside me.
" Hey...You shouldn't do that to Jungkook...He doesn't know that...."

I sighed and stared at the floor.
Jennie placed her arm around me and I placed my head on her shoulder.
She patted my head and placed her head on mine.

" Unnie...."
I felt an urge to cry and Jennie hugged me.
I hide my face at her neck and she patted my back.

" It's okay...cry all out..." I cried my heart out when she whisper to me.

" U-Unnie..."
I mumble and Jennie patted my back continuously until I'm completely calm down.

We pulled off and she smiled warmly to me while wiping my tears with her thumb.

" Y/n...You must say sorry to Jungkook. He doesn't know that" She raise her eyebrow and I nodded my head.

I stood up and turned to Jennie before heading to the door.
" Unnie...Thank you..."

She just smiled and I opened the door, walking to the gate and waited for Jungkook.

Jennie's POV

I sighed and smiled.
* Jeon Jungkook...I help you till here...*

I stood up and walked to my locker.
I turned when I heard someone called my name.
I smiled when I saw my friends walking to me.

Y/n's POV

I was waiting for Jungkook at the gate.
I heard the school bell rang and the students started to come out from the school.
I turned my head and saw Jungkook came out from the school with a regretful face. 

I looked down and sighed.
I raise up my head and Jungkook was walking to my direction.

He hangs his head down so he don't notice me was standing at the gate.
I grabbed his wrist and he looked at me shocked.

I took a deep breath before I talk but Jungkook pulled me into his embrace tightly.
I hugged him back tightly with my chin on his shoulder.

" I'm sorry...."
I heard him mumble and I pulled off the hug.
I looked down and took a deep breath before look into his eyes.

" Jungkook-ah....I'm sorry for everything I had done at class..."
I saw his eyes soften and he was going to say but I stop him by placing my index finger on his soft and plump lips.

" Let me finish....I know you might be curious about me losing control....I'll tell everything...Okay..?"
I smiled slightly and he nodded his head.

I removed my finger from his lips and he leaned closer to my face.
Our lips were a few inches left and lean closer.

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