27. Running

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Kenzie looked at Sirius with stormy eyes.

"This is YOUR fault!" She screamed, and he winced slightly, "YOU were supposed to keep an eye on him, you bloody idiot." Sirius smirked down at Kenzie, but the only effect it had was to make her more upset, and she walked purposely towards the bushes to look for him, wand lit and very irritated.

"My little brother never was quite the runner. We'll catch him soon enough."

"Alright." Kenzie said, and all gathered around. It had come to be accepted that she was the leader.

"We'll take this in tag teams of two. Let's see..." She muttered, ticking off the six people on the lawn.

"Ok here's how it's going to be. I'll be with Uncle Al, Sirius, you go with Ellie, and Spencer, you go with Eva. We can't have the men all alone with no women to protect them." Ellie stifled a chuckle. "We'll take the west quadrant," she gestured to herself and Dumbledore, "Eva, you take the east, and Ellie, you cover the north. I highly doubt Sirius' dear brother would take the southern route ā aqua." She pointed at the enormous lake.

"Fair enough." Ellie said, "C'mon Sirius." She dragged him along the north path, past the house. They walked in silence for a short while before Sirius broke the silence.

"So..." he started, "you and Spencer. He told me about you. Sorry." Ellie looked up at him.

"It's ok." She said carefully, not looking him in the eye, "we've decided we're better as brother and sister. Like you and me." Sirius gave her a glance from the side.

"Yeah." He said.

*** Sirius P.O.V.

When I looked at Ellie, I almost lost focus of what we were doing. I fell into her gorgeous chocolate eyes as she looked into my piercing grey ones. She made me crazy! I don't know what to do, I've never felt this way towards someone before. Her laugh was like cooling ice water on a perpetual headache. Her conversations with me were like medicine, aiding the ailment I didn't even know existed before I met her. We've known each other for less than a year, but I've known what this feeling is since I've met her. I've just been to chicken to admit it. But I will now. I, Sirius Orion Black, am in love with Ellie Green. I love her. And I don't know what to do.


Sirius and Ellie were walking along the north path when they heard a scream. Ellie and Sirius spun around and saw green and red sparks flying in the air. They started running, running as fast as they could, running to the site where the sparks were flying. Dumbledore was knelt on the ground, small tears escaping his crinkled blue eyes. Ellie saw neither fire not twinkle within their bottomless depths. Dumbledore looked up at them. His face was unreadable, but Ellie saw the splayed-out figure of Kenzie right below him. Next to her was Regulus, a small trickle of blood pooling near his mouth.

"She's dead." Dumbledore said. It came out more like a question than a statement, "My Kenzie. She is dead. What on earth am I going to tell her parents?" Sirius rushed over to Regulus and started tending to his cuts and bruises, but Dumbledore stayed where he was. He lifted his hand, and looking like it was a great effort, caressed Kenzie's face slowly. A small tear trickled down the side of his increasingly wrinkled face, landing with what sounded like a crash on Kenzie's motionless face. Her eyes were closed, wand dangling loosely in her left hand. In a split-second Dumbledore sprang up however, and Ellie noticed something in his eyes that she'd never seen before. Hate, and madness.

"THIS IS ON YOU!" Dumbledore screamed, turning on Sirius, "IF YOU'D JUST WATCHED YOUR INSANE EXCUSE FOR A BROTHER, THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED!" Dumbledore pulled his wand on Regulus, but Ellie put a hand on his shoulder gently.

"Stop." She said, very quietly.

"AND WHY SHOULD I DO THAT? SHE'S GONE ISN'T SHE. THIS IS JUST LIKE LAST TIME. THE FOOLISHNESS OF TEENAGERS COST TOO MUCH." He stopped, and fell to the ground. "Kenzie... Ariana..." he repeated, trance-like. And he broke down, his wand falling to the ground. Ellie tentatively sat next to him.

"I know that this is hard." She said, "I lost my sister. But time will heal. And this is not the way to live out your life! You've worked so hard, become the most amazing wizard of your time, and you're willing to sacrifice all of that out of a temporary feeling of grief?" Dumbledore looked down at her.

"I know." He said, "I know." And within seconds, in an unnaturally quick time that made the rest of the crew eye him warily, he had returned to his original self, all hints that Kenzie had died gone from his face. He was as blank as Sirius had been the night that he'd kissed Ellie.

"Ellie, call a unicorn. I know they are on this property, and they run fast enough to get young Mr. Black here to St. Mungo's. I cannot apparate right now I'm afraid." Ellie blinked. Her monoequis, of course! She had forgotten all about it. Eva, Spencer, and Sirius all gave her a questioning look, but she motioned for them to be quiet as she shut her eyes tightly and focused on a unicorn coming to her.

"I need your help." Ellie whispered. Sirius gasped as she continued, "Someone has been gravely injured. We need your legs to get us to St. Mungo's." She opened her eyes in time to see three unicorns trotting towards them.

"Okay." Ellie said, taking the leadership role, "Spencer and Eva, ride one. Sirius and Regulus, another, and I'll take the third. Sirius, your house isn't too far from St. Mungo's, right?" Sirius nodded, "About a mile, tops."

"Right," Ellie said and she gritted her teeth, "We're going to have to perform a cloaking spell, just so that they look like horses." She muttered the incantation three times, and the unicorns were transformed into bay, white, and chestnut horses.

"We may be crazy, but this is our only hope." Ellie said, and smiled weakly, "Hop on."

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