Chapter 1

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I was on the ground, bruised up. I couldn't get up and walk. I crawled my way to a wall to prop myself up. I saw two of my teeth on the ground. My eye was bleeding, and so were my gums. My arm was bruised up pretty badly. I tried to stand up. I succeeded, but I wobbled a bit. I limped out of the corner that I was in. As I walked out I saw the sun as it blinded me. I was able to walk all the home, in my mom's apartment. I rode up the elevator to the 6th floor. I then entered room 666. It's ironic that this is the number for the devil, because ever since we moved here, nothing but bad things have happened to me. As I entered, I saw my mom in the kitchen. She was on the phone. She didn't notice that I even came in. I walk to my room and set my backpack down. I walked to my dresser, and opened the top drawer. In it was a knife. I sharpened the blade just last night. I brought up the knife to my arm. I put the blade onto my arm. Drops of crimson blood came from it. I then started cutting myself. The pain was excruciating. I shed a tear. What was the point in living? Instead of cutting myself why don't I end it right here? I raised the blade from my arm to in front of my chest. My arms were shaking. I dropped the knife. I couldn't do it. Why couldn't I do it? I walked back to my bag and pulled out my homework. I brought out a pencil and started working.

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