the fire

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       it was late at night and everyone was in bed except my dad. he was down watching tv. my mom woke up from lights out in the hallway flickering. they did this a lot so mom just tried to hit it a few times and make it stop. but it kept flickering. Sammy was asleep in his crib until he started crying. mom rushed to his room and saw dad standing over him trying to calm him. his tall figure stood there looking down at the crying baby's red cheeks. mom told him to just go back downstairs and watch tv because she thought he wanted to eat or something. she sat in a soft cream colored chair by the crib and told Sammy everything was going to be okay because angels were watching over all of us. that's when the fire started. one of the lights in the hallway had sparked and set fire to the carpet. mom screamed and dad ran upstairs faster than he has ever ran before and told me to grab Sammy and that he would get mom. so that's what I did. I grabbed my baby brother and I rushed outside looking at our house that was now burning and both of my parents were in there. i sat. and i waited. after a few minutes my dad came out without my mom. I asked where she was but he wouldn't answer me. we all just stood outside of our house, watching the flames get bigger and bigger. coming out of the windows, the door, even just coming out of nowhere. I kept waiting for mom to come out but she never did.

       I've learned not to trust anyone or get my hopes up. whenever there is a small glimmer of hope, I get a little to hopeful. then I'm let down. sometimes I still wonder if mom was lying when she said there were angels watching over us. I wanted to believe her because she was my mom, but I had to be realistic and know that angels were never going to save me. or anyone. they are just a false comfort.

       sometimes I wish I could just have a normal life and have two happy parents who love each other. instead I have a dead mom and a shitbag of a dad.

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