Death of Me, Chapter One.

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kay just saying, Rayne has a mouth on her. PG-13 for Raynes mouth.

Rayne(flashback, six years old)

I was tired,needless to say. After running all day, I walked down the street, my body tired. I hardly took in my surroundings. I knew where I was, but not what I was doing. I remember that man. He said he wanted me. Because I could talk to Pokemon. He thought I could help him, and talk the Pokemon into running away from their trainers. But I couldn't do it. I hid behind the trashcan, staying as quiet as I could. My body was shaking, out of fear, out of anticipation. I heard rustling and movement, which made me hold my breath. I kept holding it till I heard a little voice.

"I know you're in there. You can come out. I'm not gonna hurt you". It said.

I peeked out, cautious, and saw it was a little blue Pokemon.

"What are you..." my voice was small, and quiet, as I stayed behind the trashcan.

"I'm a shinx!" It said, puffing its chest proudly. I could tell just by that action that it as male.

I giggled a little, and smiled. "I'm Rayne. Do you have a name?" The little creature shook it's head no. "Then let's call you... Simba." It looked at me like id grown a third head. "Rai?" He nodded vigorously.

"I like that name! Hey Rayne, you should come with me. We can be partners!"

"We can be friends. Best friends."

Me and the Shinx walked down the alley, and after that night, we were exactly that. Best friends.

End flashback (Rayne, Sixteen)

I looked at the Luxray in my lap. He was content, his large head laying on my small lap, as I stroked his soft fur. That was ten years ago. We've both grown so much. Especially Rai. He became a strong, if a tad bit arrogant, trusting partner. I continued pettin his fur, before he finally woke up.

He gave a small yawn-like thing, before saying "Raaaayyy. We need to go on.another adventure. Maybe to a new region. We've been to Kanto, Sinnoh and Hoenn. What about Johto or even Unova? Or Oblivia or Almia? You've always wanted to meet a Pokemon ranger."

I gave a sigh "Mm. I suppose we could. Though, where. You're right, it would be fun in.all those places. Why not Unova? Meet new Pokemon."

The luxray gave a nod, and I smiled. "To Unova it is!"

I smiled down at the Pokemon, getting up, and calling upon my frightful companion, Giratina. He could take us to Unova by flying.

Rileys POV, in Unova.

A lot of weird things happen here. But it's not everyday that we get a girl that drops out of the sky on a Giritina. I heard about this girl, the girl who befriended Giratina, but nothing more than that. She was just a rumor. But now this rumor was yelling and cussing at me for staring, and she had a very angry Luxray with her.

"HEY DUDE. YOU GOT A PROBLEM? QUIT FUCKIN STARING AT ME. " she yelled, and walked right into my face, "you got a problem with me? Goddamn."

I blinked before realizing she really was talking to me. "Oh uh. No sorry. I just saw you come in on that Giratina. You're kind of a rumor around here. 'The girl that tamed Giratina."

Her eyes narrowed, "first off, I didn't TAME him. I BEFRIENDED him. Second of all, I have a name."

"And that would be?"

"Why would I tell you?" Her eyes held a challenge.

"Tell you what. You battle me. I win, you tell me your name. You win, I'll leave you alone."

I only own Rayne. my brother owns Riley. that's all for the first chapter. maybe battle next?

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