The wicked little witch

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Once upon a time, there was a very naughty little girl. Her greatest wish was to become a witch. But not a good little witch. No. A bad little witch.

"When I have become witch, I shall be able to make all kinds of spells, and what fun I shall havw", thought the little girl.

When she had read lots of books, she found one which said quite clearly,  that in order to become a "known-all" of a witch, it was necessary to wear a witch's costume.

"I can soon arrange that", said the little one to herself.

She went up the attic and from an old trunk she took some ancient clothes, which she turned into a lovely witch's costume.

She also hired a little owl to assist her with her mischievous plans.

"That's it, and now to work!"

A sly cat was watching her intently, but he hid under the table - to keep out of the way of the flies.

"Ha, ha, ha! What fun I shall have, playing tricks on the other children!"

The "novice" witch began to prepare a potion, and so that it would come out properly enchanted, she poured into the cauldron all kinds of unpleasant mixtures.

The little animals of the woods were very frightened when they saw such diabolical looking smoke coming out of the chimney.

"There's something evil cooking in that house!" they said to one another.

But there she was, casually stirring and stirring away at that mysterious potion, and what did she see?

"Oh! What's this? What's happening?

What was happening, dear children, was that all the pots and pans that were touched by the smoke given off by the cauldron were coming to life.

"Oh, what have I done? That was not what I intended!"

But the cups, coffee pots, spoons and brooms, we're all beginning to dance and jump around the little girl.

As if they were dancing to the sound of some mysterious music, they could not stop whirling round and looking menacingly at the little girl.

It was such an horrendous sight,  that even the owl and mice wanted to hide.

As the little girl did nothing to put right what was wrong, the crockery started to bump into her.

"Ow!" cried the little girl, for it hurt. But turning deaf ears, the pots merely poked her all the more.

The bad thing was that the poor owl too got his share and exclaimed very angrily. "So you wanted to amuse yourself casting spells on others did you? Now just look what you've done!"

The little girl pronounced the magic words that would put an end to magic spells for ever more!

She quickly got out of the witch's outfit and, very sorry for having had such wicked thoughts, she went out into the garden to play in the sun and the fresh air.

That served as a lesson to her and made her understand that one should not do to others what one would not like to have done to oneself.

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