Our Family Cries *But Your My Brother Sequel*

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I injected the dirty needle in my forearm. I needed my fix since I haven't had it in a while. My head tilted back as I saw my homie Dustin come around the corner with a scabby. She had red hair, pretty. My body went numb as I lay there letting the drug over power me. It was the weekend, which meant one more week till Junior year is over and it'll be summer vacation. I didn't really care considering the fact that I'm never in school anyways.

I got in the house at 4 am, Eddie was sitting at the table counting his money as usual. I walked toward him and sat three rolls of wadded up cash on the table. He grinned at me, "fast night huh?" I nodded and smoothed my frizzy hair in the back of my head. He gave me a bundle and I made sure to count it before I left. Four hundred dollars, yep it was all there.

Eddie was my mothers husband and the town pimp. He owned 3 strip clubs and he was a roofer for houses. I stomped up my stairs and went in my room then I locked it. I hated my room, it had been the same for a whole year now ever since I came to move with mom. I looked at the pictures that hung on my pink wall, some from me and Sabrinas youth, and even some from when me and the boys hung out.

I stopped hanging out with them ever since the ending of my sophmore year and his junior year when I had that pregnacy scare with Craig. Then when I told him he said he wasn't ready to be a father at such a young age and he considered abortion. I was so furious with him that I hated him and never spoke with him after that. But now him, Ray, and Sabrina go to the same college. Prince now goes to some other school in Hollywood because his mom wasn't to fond of all the crime increase in the neighborhood.

I took a look at the picture that was to left of me, on my night stand. It was a picture of me and him when we went to his birthday dinner party. We looked so happy in the picture, like no one would be able to say anything to us. His texts and his calls become more rare and rare, then they just stopped completly. That's when I met Dustin and his crew, at first I was just the girl with a past at my school. Now I'm the top bitch, I collect the money and go over all the final sales then I get my cut from Eddie.

I laid in my bed and starred at the ceiling. My high was wearing off, so I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. My room filled with smoke almost instantly. I then heard a text coming from my phone.

The text was from an unknown number so I texted back who is this. I got another text almost immediatly saying it wws Chres and how was I doing.

I laughed to myself and thought. Its been this long and he wants to know how I am doing. I took one more puff of my cigarette than I put it out and flicked it out of my window. School was tomorrow and I most likely wouldn't go but I got some sleep just in case.

I woke up to the smell of my now stale home. My mom still wasn't home from visiting her dying mother in Alabama. I got up and walked downstairs where Shina came and hugged me. Shina was Eddie's 10 year old daughter that moved in with us a couple months ago. She was good company because she wasn't annoying like most sisters. I hugged her back and went straight to the kitchen. Shina sat in the stool that attached to the island counter we had.

"So what's for breakfest Shii" I asked her as I looked for something in the pantry. She spun herself in the stool and shrugged her shoulders. I got out 2 bowls, "cereal it is then." We ate our cereal while she told me about some boy in her fifth grade class.

Shina went out to her bus and went to school. I walked up stairs to go get ready to start my day. Once I put on my clothes I went to the bathroom to apply my makeup. I stood there looking at myself in the mirror. My blonde goldilocks hair stuck to my forhead. I remember when my hair was a deep brown and it hung a little over my shoulders. Now it was a dirty blonde color and it was half way down my back. I wore it in lots of tiny untamable curls. I loved it, I think it suited me more and brought out my wild side.

I looked deep into myself. I looked at the girl that was happy, loving , and caring and now she had lost herself. Lost herself to drugs, money, and the game the world played. LA was the fast life, and I was apart of it.

My phone snapped me out of my train of thought when I got a text from my homie Marquez. He told me to meet them in the cafateria before school.

I left the house a little early that my usual time because I had a feeling something wasn't right. I had a motorcycle. I bout it for myself a couple monthes ago for my 17th birthday. All my other friends had cars and would make fun of me whenever they saw me with Squirrel. Yes, that's what I named him because its fast.

Once I got to school I parked in the spot I always parked in and I walked into the school. "Hey Yn" shot from everywhere. I didn't pay anyone any attention because I didn't care for them all to well.

I got in the cafateria and everyone was sitting at a table in the far corner. "Wassup squad" I said giving them dap. I sat in the chair with the back facing towards me. The tone at the table shifted to a more serious expression. "What's the problem?" I asked them while turning my cap backwards. "Well one of the scabbies got caught with that one kid Sebastion Mendoza in the bathroom." "Oh word? Mexican boy Sebastion?" I asked. They all nodded their heads. "So what's gone happen?" I asked.

"Well we hoping she don't crack, because I'm not tryna get suspended for this shit again." Marquez shook his head.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do, who is it."

"Its that one Beverly chick." Dustin told me.

I laughed to myself, "Alright, I'll see y'all around." I said as I got up and walked away from the table. I remember Beverly thought she was the shit last year, now she eating from the bottom of my shoe as a scabby.

Life is just perfect.


Outfit to what she is wearing is in the comments.

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