Chapter 12

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Hey I got bored today and decided to draw a chibi Oliver. I actually really like it and James looks weird but I don't care. Hey at least I'm trying. Anyway on with the story.

<~Oliver's p.o.v~>
(Y/n) sat in front of me waiting to hear what I had to say. So start when your ready she said looking at me seriously. Well it started when I was really little.  I was abandoned when I was a baby so I never met my real parents. They left me in a box on the streets. The only thing they gave me was a blanket and a name tag. It was raining when a lady came by. She picked up the box and walked to her house. She was really nice and her husband was a scientist. She was really amazing, she fed me and gave me clothes. A nice warm bed and more. Now the husband was more interesting. He never really talk to me or notice I was there until one day. I was just learning to walk so I was stumbling around. I about fell until I grabbed onto his pants. He looked at me in disgust and kicked me away. He was about to kick me again until the lady saved me. He stared at her and then looked at me. Then he kept staring at me. I think he was looking at my eye and he suddenly got interested in me. So he was looking at your left eye? I nodded my head yes.  Can you take off your bandage? She looked away nervously. Maybe at the end of the story. (Y/n) nodded her head and told me to continue. Well after that he would follow me and take notes. The lady who's name was Lucy noticed this and told me to stay with her. One day someone came in crying and said something about Lucy. The husband left me alone for the night and I remember it storming. I hid under the table until morning when he came back.

When he did he was crying. He was mumbling about Lucy and how she should have been cured. I don't remember much after that until I was a little older. I remember waking up with someone beside my bed. He was wearing a white suit and goggles. He put a hand over my mouth and sprayed something in my face. Everything went black and when I woke up... I was in a tube surrounded by people in white suits and goggles. The only thing I remember was pain and loneliness. They did test on me to find out about my weird eye color. The had a theory that it had a separate mind of its own. So they did injections in my arm to bring it out. They always asked me to say if I heard any voices and I always replied with the same answer. I don't know what your talking about. This went on until I was 13. One day while I was sleeping I had a dream. I was in a dark room with nothing. Then I heard a voice and someone appeared in font of me. Hello my names O and I was wandering how I got here. He looked around the dark room then back at me. So this is what they were talking about I say. He looked at me funny. What do you mean? Well first off hello O my names Oliver and your well how should I say this... In my mind. Wait so I'm not real? I shrugged, I guess you are but only to me. So you can tell people about me? I shook my head, no because they might hurt me if they find out. Then everything went black and I woke up. I looked around and saw I was still in the glass tube. So it was just a dream I thought, but then I got an answer. No it wasn't because I'm still here. I looked around scared until I recognized the voice. It was O.

H-how can I hear you, I thought in my head. Well you said I was in your mind so I guess I can hear what your thinking. Wow so this means I won't be so lonely. Then Lucy's husband came up to the tube. What are you smiling about? I got scared and looked away, I had a nice dream and it brought back good memories. He sighed, and went to a desk. He clicked a button and gas was sprayed into the tube and everything went black. I woke up only to see that I was plugged into some kind of machine. People were taking notes and talking. Then someone came up to me and looked into my eyes. Well more specifically my red one. Then O spoke, he's looking at me and I think he sees me. He sounded scared and I told him not to worry. Do you see anything one of the scientist asked. Yes I see a human like figure, I think we finally did it. Then the husband came out of nowhere. Good now put him back in the tube and will dissect the eye from him in the morning. I panicked as they unattached me from the machine and put me back in the tube. Oliver listen we can get out of here. We're gonna break out tonight. But how I ask doubting we could do it. Well we just have to get out of this tube and out the window. And I have a plan. So I waited until night fall. When it was O began to speak. Ok so I want you to kick the little spot on the glass. I looked and saw a little crack form from when I would kick and hit. I did as told and kicked the crack.

My foot went through and I got glass in it but I didn't care, the only thought that went through my mind was freedom. Now run to the window and jump before they catch us. I did as instructed and ran as fast as I could to the window. My foot winced in pain but I kept running. I made it to the window and opened it. It wasn't a drop it was only a first floor window. I jumped out and ran into the woods. The only person I had with me was O. I don't want you to think he's evil. He just never spoke to anyone and he's been alone for so long he got excited. (Y/n) nodded her head and waited. So when I left I walked until morning and I found a town. When I did I walked up to a person and asked where I was. As soon as he saw me he yelled FREAK! A crowd surrounded us and so did cops. They saw my eye and looked disgusted. So your the one who escaped the lab last night you monster. I looked at him confused, what? He pulled his gun out and pointed it at me. I turned and ran, he shot but missed. I walked around the woods in search of a place to live. I looked around and found a tree. It had a hole I could crawl into so I decided to look in there. When I did a found a baby bird alone and that's how I met James. About a month later I found a town at night and looked around. It was abandon except for a few shops. I went into a gas station and looked for some bandages. When I did I took them out and wrapped them around my foot and left eye. O didn't like it at first but I told him it was the only way I could walk around without almost being killed. I put some bandages on my arm from where they injected me with needles and cut me. I wandered for about a year with no home. I learned to talk with James and still talked to O. But one day I found this town. I found an abandoned house and decided to live there. I walked around and to my surprise no one recognized me. I had to pickpocket some people so I could by new clothes. I managed to buy this sailor coat and white shirt and a hat and some shorts and that's what I wear. And that's about it. O didn't talk to me much because he didn't want me to look weird. And that's about it well until you showed up. Thank you.

She looked at me confused. Why are you thanking me? Well your the only one who's listened to that story and you became my friend. She smiled, of course your my best friend. I looked at her, really? She nodded. Yes I never made friends because people didn't like me. I was quiet, artsy, nerdy, and loved to sing and play music. I looked at her amazed. Why would no one like you, your like the nicest, coolest, most talented person ever. She jumped up and hugged me. Thank you that means a lot. I blushed but hugged her back. Your also the prettiest person ever but I can't tell you that I thought. Ooooooh You liiiiiiiiike her. O shut it, it's not like she likes me back. Whatever oh and by the way I want you to come here when you go to sleep. Ok but why? You'll see, with that he stopped taking and (y/n) pulled away. Come on its getting late and we should get to bed. I nodded and we both went back to sleep. Goodnight my love, I thought as I drifted to sleep.

Omg guys long chapter but I finally finished. The total count of words is 1616. Anyway I hope you liked this chapter because it was all about Oliver. I also decided how I want this story to turn out but you have to keep reading to find out. Anyway that's all for now and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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