chapter 7

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Jack's pov
"I love you." I say, cutting (Y/N) off. She just stared at me while I drove. In the corner of my eyes I can see her (h/type) (h/c) and the tears falling from those beautiful (e/c) eyes. Her scarred (s/c) skin. The way he treated her at the store. Who even was he? Who does he think he is! Thinking he can say those things.
"Don't say what you don't mean."
"Who says I don't mean it?"
"You can't you just met me..."
"No I met you before. In America at a convention."
She turned her head completely away. Did I strike a cord?
"I tripped and got trampled on... Competition rules the world."
"I saw you give away something valuable away to a crying boy. I saw you return a little girl to her dad. You got a kid into a panel by cut-off time. You're an amazing person." I ranted trying not to get work up.
"Could you pull over!"
I did and just in time. She threw open the door and vomitted. I looked away.
"I'm sorry. Today was a bust."
"It's ok. Come on let's get you home." I smiled, sincerely. She just looked back at me and nodded.

Wubba lubba dub dub

I finally got her back in bed. I didn't think today would be so interesting. I hope she's ok.
'Of course she's not ok'
I kept watch the time and decided to catch up on replying to comments and such. I never realized what it was that made me come. Other that the fact she asked. I remember the she spoke to those kids. How soft her voice was and how gentle she was, like the child was made of glass. How many more people can you find like that?

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