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Jae Hee turned in her script to Mr. Jung early that morning. While walking at the corridor, her eyes met with Jong Hyun’s. Please don’t smile, please don’t smile. Jong Hyun smiled at him while walking towards her.

          “Is Mr. Jung there already?”

          “I don’t know. Am I our professor’s keeper? No!” answered Jae Hee snobbishly.

          “So you haven’t turned in your paper?”

          “I don’t know.”

          “Waaaaah! You’re really good at this Jae Hee yah~”

          “Good! Now you know. Can I leave now?”

But before Jong Hyun could give a reply, Jae Hee already left him. Jong Hyun was left dumbfounded. He quickly went in to Mr. Jung’s office and turned in his papers. When he returned to their room, he found Jae Hee sleeping with her headphones on. Some of their classmates were not yet there so he sat on the chair nearest her. Jong Hyun just stared at the sleeping Jae Hee. How could you be so mean awake and be an angel when sleeping Jae Hee yah~? he thought. But to Jong Hyun’s surprise, Jae Hee was not really sleeping.

          “Could you please stop looking at me. I wanted to rest you know?!”

          “Just pretend that you didn’t know I’m looking at you, that wouldn’t hurt you, right?”

Jae Hee didn’t answer; instead, she turned her face the other way so she is now facing the wall. Jong Hyun clearly understood her actions and left her side. He returned to his seat and patiently waited for their professor to arrive. He would have occasional glimpses towards Jae Hee but he didn’t bother her for two straight classes.

At lunch time, Yejin bought their lunch and Jae Hee waited for her. She already had a custard cream filled bread ready for her friend’s weird habit of eating sweets or snacks before eating. She noticed someone staring at her from her left so she looked at that location but there was none. She slightly shook her head as Yejin finally arrived with their meals.     

          “You’re at it again, you’re bothered by something?”

          “Uh..nothing. Let’s just eat.”

          “Are you sure?”

          “Yes, I’m sure!”

          “I’m sure too,” said Yejin, slightly teasing her friend.

          “Huh? Sure of what?”

          “That someone is about to go here and talk to you~” giggled Yejin

          “Is that someone whom I don’t want to talk to?”

          “I... think so... Wait you’re not talking to him? And since when?”

          “This morning. So if he will go here and talk to me I think I’ll leave you eating alone.”

          “Yah, Park Jae Hee!”

          “Yejin ah~ Mian...” said Jae Hee.

Jae Hee quickly ate her salad and sandwich and managed to finish her bottled soda before Jong Hyun could reach her. “Bye Yejin ah~”Jae Hee whispered. Jong Hyun halted as he saw Jae Hee walking away when he was about to reach their table. But he planned not to follow her and just asked Yejin instead.

          “Hi, why did she leave all of a sudden?”

          “I think she needs to go to the restroom. Have a seat.”

          “So she’ll return here?” asked Jong Hyun and sat to where Jae Hee was sitting before.

          “I don’t think so. Maybe she’ll return to class,” said Yejin who somehow realized how poor her reasoning was infront of the handsome Lee Jong Hyun.

          “May I ask you a favor?”

          “Favor? What favor?” curious Yejin asked.

          “Can I have her number?”

Yejin’s eyes got bigger as she was surprised to Jong Hyun’s question. Random thoughts entered her mind, OMG! He’s asking for Jae Hee’s number? Ottohke? Will she hate me if I gave it to him right away? OMG! Jae Hee, you’re so lucky! This guy must really like you...

          “What for?” asked Yejin, surpressing the giggle that would’ve blurted out already.

          “Well, I’m not exactly sure but...”

          “Not exactly sure? Yah Mr. Lee. Are you playing with my friend?” angry Yejin said.

          “No I’m not! I just wanted to have her number?”

          “Why? Did you finally realize to explain who was with you last Saturday???”

          “Last Saturday?” asked Jong Hyun

          “Yes! That Saturday when you were at Namsan Park with a woman. We were there, I saw it too. I know you admire Jae Hee, she also do too but seeing that, you made her jealous!!!” OOPS!!!!! I shouldn’t have said that! I’m dead meat. Jae Hee yah forgive me... Yejin realized.

Jong Hyun was already smiling at this thought; he knew something was wrong about Jae Hee. And now he knew the reason why she was mad at him. This made him happy.

          “Really? So now can I have her number so I can ask for forgiveness? Jong Hyun asked.

          “Well....Uhm... Okay! But please...”

          “Yes, I will keep my mouth shut.”

          “But, I also want to know. Who was that woman anyway?”

          “That was my sister. We’ve been away for 5 years so when she arrived last Friday, we planned to spend the weekend together.”

          “Aaaaaah... I see! Okay, forgiven on my part. But on Jae Hee’s, tsk tsk!”

          “I might have a hard time, but thanks for giving me her number.”

          “Anytime, just don’t tell her I’m helping you or she’ll kill me.”

          “Promise!” said Jong Hyun as he smiled brightly.

While walking at the corridor, Jong Hyun decided to do what he planned. He cleared his throat and practiced imitating Mr. Kang’s voice. Then, a moment later, he dialled Jae Hee’s number.

          “Hello? Who’s this?” asked Jae Hee on the other line.

          “Oh, Ms. Park, this is Mr. Kang. I need to see you for the Lit class tasking...”

          “Ah, yes Sir. How are you nowadays Sir? I heard you had an accident.”

          “I’m getting better, I’m already out of the hospital so I’ll give the class tasks so when I returned, the class can submit them already,” said Jong Hyun confidently.

          “Did you also catch a cold Sir? You sound different.”

          “Uh... Yes! A little. Anyways meet me at Namsan Park later after your class okay?”

          “Yes Sir.”

Jong Hyun could not believe that Jae Hee agreed to meet at Namsan Park as he sighed. His plan worked, but he began to be nervous. You can do it later Lee Jong Hyun, he cheered himself.

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