Chapter Three

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Jax stood with his arms over his chest looking Ava down as they stood in the chapel, he didn't know how to feel, sure he should of signed the papers a long time ago but he couldn't, even though he couldn't see Ava everyday he knew that somewhere out there she was still his, and couldn't be anyone elses until he signed those papers and Jax wasn't ready to completely let her go. Just yet

"Jax I really need you to sign these please" Ava said holding the envelope out for Jax to take

"Does your father know you are in town? Thanks for letting me break the news that you skipped town and didn't even tell him" Jax said sourly

"No I am only in town for today, I came for you to sign these and I can be on my merry way and you will never have to look at me ever again" Ava said

"Well maybe after you go see your Dad I will think about signing them" Jax said as he walked toward the door and then turned around "Visiting hours aren't till tomorrow, its Monday you know they don't allow visitors on Mondays"

"Jax why are you being like this? I'm not the one who was sleeping around" Ava said

"Because the one person that I loved the most left me, didn't even have the guts to say goodbye or give me a chance to tell you how sorry I was or how much I loved you. People make mistakes Ava" Jax said

Ava couldn't read Jax's expression, he was different. Everything about him was different, he wasn't the same man she left five years ago

"I'm not going to sit here and argue about whos fault it is, I just want you to sign the damn papers so I can get on with my life" Ava said

"What don't want your hot shot boyfriend to know you have a husband?" Jax chuckled

"That doesn't matter, what I do now doesn't matter Jax, I am choosing to move on with my life while you are stuck here in Charming" Ava said

"I chose to stick by my family, while you chose to bail so don't talk to me about moving on. I moved on alright, I moved on just fine" Jax said knowing it wasn't really the truth, he hadn't moved on. The house still looked the same, still had pictures all over the house of him and Ava

"You drive me insane do you know that? you want me to pay you to sign these?" Ava asked

"Do you think I am kiddin?  I will sign them when I am good and ready" Jax said as he walked out of the chapel chuckling knowing that right now Ava would do anything to get those papers signed

Later on that night Ava walked back into the clubhouse with a black sheik cocktail dress on knowing that if she needed to seduce Jax then she would, she was desperate to get those papers signed, knowing that if Keith showed up in Charming that he would definitely call the wedding off if he saw the way that she lived, or to make it worse that she was married and lied to him about it

Ava scanned the room for Jax "Hey if it isn't my runaway daughter in law" Ava heard

"Hey Gem, just looking for Jax you seen him?" Ava asked

"Yeah he is in the back apartments looking for something, what are you here for anyway?" Gemma asked

"Your son is finally going to sign the divorce papers" Ava said walking past Gemma towards the apartments around the back, a place that Ava hadn't been since the day she caught Jax and Penny together

When Ava reached the door she found Jax sitting on the bed with his head in his hands, a copy of the divorce papers sitting beside him along with a bottle of whiskey

"Does this guy treat you better then I did?" Jax asked his head not leaving his hand

"In some aspect yes" Ava said leaning against the door frame

"Does he take care of you like I did?" Jax smirked looking up to see her expression

Ava tried to hide her smile but it turned into a smirk "You know that answer already"

"Does he love you like I did, like when we got married?" Jax asked

"We were puppy love Jax, big difference between that and true love" Ava said pushing some hair out of her face

"So what we had wasn't true love?" Jax asked

"I think at one point in time it was, then everything went down the shitter" Ava said remembering that day like it was yesterday

"But you couldn't come back, not even once a year" Jax said

"I couldn't, it was too complicated Jax, I cant just tell my fiancée that I need to go back home to plant flowers on my daughters grave Jax" Ava said looking away as the tears threatened to fall

"She would of been turning nine this year" Jax reminded her

"I know how old she would of been, there isn't a day that goes by Jax that I don't think of Natalie" Ava said as she pointed her finger at Jax

"That's why you never came back to see her, didn't come back to plant flowers, kiss her headstone nothing" Jax said standing up

"Will you please just sign the papers" Ava said as she wiped a tear away

"Not right now" Jax said as he brushed past her feeling like shit that he just left her there to cry and it was his fault that she was in the first place, he knew he should of never brought Natalie up, it was a hard subject for him to talk about as tough as he may seem

Ava stood there in the room and looked around, pictures of her and Jax still riddled the paneling, Ava wondered what the house looked like, if he did anything to it or if he still even had it. Ava picked up a photo of Jax and Ava on his bike on their wedding day, chuckling as she remembered that her father ripped her dress so she could get on the back of Jax's bike without the dress getting suck in the wheel. Picking up another photo off the dresser she looked at it and smiled, it was of Ava sitting on the hospital bed holding Natalie smiling, but back then little did they know that Natalie's heart failed five hours after birth because the hole in her heart was far to big for repair. So Jax and Ava got to spend almost five whole hours with their princess before she took her last breath

"I miss her you know, even though I didn't know her that well, she knew I was Daddy" Jax said from behind Ava

"I miss her too, its not easy being so far away, but then again if I was closer I couldn't hide as much as  have been" Ava said turning around

"You shouldn't have to hide who you are, you never did before" Jax said as he tucked a piece of hair behind Ava's ear

Ava looked into Jax's eyes, the eyes that held back so much, the eyes that she fell in love with all those years ago. Ava looked away and stepped back almost walking into the dresser

"I have to go" Ava whispered as she walked by Jax and out of the apartment

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