Chapter Seventeen

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If Ava could stay wrapped up in her husbands arms all day long she would. Making love to Jax over and over for most of the day was not on her agenda but it was needed for the both of them, the thoughts of the rape still flooded Ava's mind but everytime they made love Jax would tell her it was okay and to look into his eyes. Ava knew that this was the Jackson Teller she married, he may seem rough on the outside and come off as a big bad guy but on the inside Jax was just a softy romantic that loved his wife more then anything

"You know we have to get back right?" Jax asked as he filled his hands with Ava's hair

"I know, but I don't want to" Ava said kissing Jax not wanting this day to end and go back to reality

"Trust me babe I don't either, there is nothing I would rather be doing then laying in bed with you" Jax whispered against her lips

"I don't want to go back and face everyone, I'm gonna look like a fool" Ava said

"No you aren't, if anything I was the one who was the fool for even mentioning a separation. I was taking the easy way out instead of making things work" Jax said

"I'm sorry for the things I said to you, I just wanted someone else to feel what I felt" Ava said resting her forehead against Jax's

"I did, I just was afraid to show you how I felt, I'm supposed to be the strong one and I didn't want you to feel like you needed to take care of me for once" Jax admitted

"Clearly we have a communication issue. I want you to come home Jax" Ava smiled

"Already was planning on it, I need my wife and old lady back" Jax said pulling her closer to him

"I need my best friend, and I certainly need to take care of my husband but Penny really needs to go. Jax I just feel something is off about her" Ava said

"You know me too... I know you don't want to hear this but that night she told me not to answer your call like she knew you would be calling and that was why she seduced me" Jax said

Ava shot up in the bed and placed her hand over her mouth and then looked at Jax "What if she had something to do with it? Like what if she planned it cause she knew it would come between us?"

Jax creased his brow at the thought that Penny would do something like that. He knew she was shady but Jax didn't think she would stoop so low "You know what, maybe she did ever since we separated she always asked where you where and why you weren't at the club with me"

"I'm gonna knock that bitch the fuck out Jax and you aren't stopping me this time" Ava said

"Trust me babe I wont stop you. Lets get dressed and get back home" Jax smiled as he rested a hand on the small of Ava's back

"Sounds good baby" Ava said smiling as she watched Jax get out of the bed and walk out to find his clothes

Once Ava walked into the house she knew she had a lot of cleaning to get done before Jax came home from working longer since she occupied him for most of the day, putting on some music Ava went to town on the house trying to down out the thoughts in her head about Penny and Jax, Jax could lie to Ava until he was blue in the face that there was nothing going on but Ava was far from stupid when it came to Jax

Jax smiled when he slid off his bike, it had been a good day and no one was going to ruin it for him

"And where have you been all day did you find Ava?" Gemma asked

"Yea she was up at the cabin just like I thought" Jax said placing his helmet on his handlebars

"And?" Gemma asked

Jax's eyes squinted towards his mother from the bright sun "Lets just say I reeled her back in"

"I fucking knew that smirk was for a reason. Next time you two wanna take the day off to fuck then just send me a text or something" Gemma said walking away as Jax chuckled

Once Jax walked into the clubhouse Penny ran to his side

"Where have you been all day baby?" Penny asked knowing that Jax went to find Ava earlier

"I was up at the cabin" Jax said trying to walk past Penny

"You've never taken me up there before, you should of brought me baby" Penny smiled

"Well if you wanted to watch me make love to my wife all day then sure I could of brought you, but then again you would probably love watching cause I don't think there has been a single man in your life that has ever wanted to make love to you" Jax spat

"Yes, you did a few times" Penny said crossing her arms over her chest

"Big difference  darlin, I don't love you so I wouldn't want to make love to you. I love my wife and I love making love to her so if you excuse me I'd like to grab a beer before I go home... to my wife" Jax said as he pushed past Penny

"I think you and I need to talk" Penny said grabbing onto Jax's arm

"There is nothing to talk about Penny, I don't want you nor do I want anything to do with you" Jax said moving his arm out of her reach

"I'm pregnant" Penny blurted out

"Not by me! I wrapped every god damn time, try one of the other guys you fucked cause it sure as hell wasn't by me. There is only one person on this planet I would ever and I mean ever not use protection with and that person is not you nor will it ever be you" Jax said

"Its your whether you like it or not" Penny said placing her hands on her hips

"No. Trust me when I say this it isn't mine" Jax said

"And how can you be so sure?" Penny asked

"Because I never busted a nut. Not with you" Jax laughed

Penny pulled her head back and shook her head "What are you talking about you always said that you did. You didn't have fun?" Penny asked

"Penny every time I stuck my dick in there all I could think about what kind of dieseases I would get and it would scare me and I knew you would pull some shady shit like this" Jax laughed "So now you get to play the guessing game until it comes out to figure out whos kid that really is" Jax spat as he walked away laughing knowing that she was going to do anything to keep Jax away from Ava

"I will tell Ava and then she will really leave you" Penny yelled across the bar

"Go ahead you tell her and see how far that gets you" Jax laughed as he sat down at the bar and a croweater handed him a beer

"She will believe me, trust me" Penny laughed as she walked away to make a phone call

"Aj I need you to make up a fake DNA test. Make sure Jax Teller is listed as the father" 

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