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"Good morning class," Ms. Bradleys voice boomed as she entered her communications class with excitement.
Various kids muttered a 'hello' or 'good morning' being polite as others sat there on their phones paying no attention whatsoever.
"Can people at least nod in the direction of the no devices rule," The teacher spoke, picking up papers that were laying on her desk.
Lauren hid her phone back into her bag as she sat up, pursing her lips while she looked around the classroom.
Her mind was filled with thoughts as she looked around eyeing everyone who had been one of the reasons. But she surely couldn't judge anyone, because she hadn't gotten to her tape yet and who knew what she could've done to Hannah Baker.
"Okay everyone," Ms.Barley began, "Today we will be talking about the effects of compliments."
A groan escaped Lauren's lips as Ms.Barley explained today's class. Theeffects of compliments? The only compliments that the people at Liberty High school could give were either about someone's ass or how good they were in bed.
"So, today we will all be writing each other anonymous compliments," her voice cheered, handing out sheets of paper to everyone in class.
"Beside each persons name you will write something that you like about them or a great virtue they show," ms. Barley finished, sending everyone signals to begin their work.
Lauren looked down at her page, picking up her pencil and writing things for the first few people. After she finished her eyes landed on the next person, Justin Foley.
What was Lauren supposed to write about her ex that cheated on her?
Without thinking Lauren scribbled down 'you have a great way of showing people you care.'
She looked down at what she had written, and carelessly decided to leave it the way it was.
Once she finished her paper, Lauren leaned back in her plastic chair, handing her paper over to Ms. Barley.
There were still about 5 minutes left and Lauren was bored out of her mind. She looked around trying to find someone to talk to, but everyone she enjoyed talking to sat across the room.
She looked over at the guy who sat beside her, Clay, she thought was his name. Since he sat in his desk finished his paper as well, Lauren decided she would try starting a conversation with the boy.