Brea Newton, 20, has been heartbroken, lied to, and nothing ever seems to go right. She has her eye on one thing and one thing only, redeeming herself and focusing on the money.
"What Mimi?" she stood over me with her arms crossed.
"Get up. I got alot of stuff to get!"
I looked at the clock, it read 9:45am. I turned to her and mugged her.
"Nigga if you don't get out my face with that shit. It ain't even 10:00!" she rolled her eyes.
"I'll get up at 11:30, yo butt better be ready at the door when I get down there. But until then...." I pointed at my door.
She rolled her eyes and stormed out of my room. The hell she thought this was. I don't mind taking my baby sister places but shit I am NOT no Uber.
Since I can't go back to sleep, I lay looking up at the ceiling thinking about Brea. Her fine ass. She so fine, like gosh.
Her slim figure and her full lips, I don't want to get too carried away. I'm lowkey excited about seeing her today. I really hope we become more than just friends one day 'cause I would love to cuff her.
I drag myself out of bed and Facetime Brea:
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"Hello?" her angelic voice made me melt a little bit inside
"Morning beautiful." I said with a smile. She looked so cute at 9am. She don't have to put on a boat load of makeup. I like that
"Morning Kendrick. How'd you sleep?"
"Good. What about you?" She rubbed her eyes.
"Ehh. Straight." I shrugged my shoulders.
"So...we plan on leaving at around 12. We gone be at Willowbrook Mall. Wear something nice for daddy." I smirked.
"Cayate la boca, cual es tu problemo mijo?" I looked at the screen confused.
"Sorry that was my mami. But okay I will see you there."
"Sure will. I'll talk to you later shawty."
She hung up the phone and I went through my closet to find something nice to wear. I picked out a simple white and grey tee and black jeans with my black foam posites. I hurried into the bathroom so I can take a shower. Once I finished, I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair.
"Lil bit! You ready to go?" I search my room for my keys while I put my wallet in my back pocket.
"Yeah, I been at the door for 15 minutes." She said with an attitude.
"Aight, let's go. Mama we out!"
"Bye babies. Be safe."
We walk to the driveway and get into my 2016 Dodge SRT Hellcat that I've been saving up for since I was 17. I cut the ignition on and feel the cool breeze hit my face in this hot May weather.
"So, I'm supposed to be meeting with someone at the mall." She looked at me.
"Who? Nyriah?" I scrunched my face up
"HELL NAHH." Nyriah is my ex-girlfriend. My mama and pops liked her but her and Tamia would always get into it. Also, not forgetting the fact that the bitch is fucking looney tunes crazy. She cut up my shoes because I held the door open for this girl at the movies. I wanted to kill her. SHE CUT UP MY $435 GUCCI SNEAKERS. I had to hop up out of that. Cause I ain't got no money to be cutting up like that.
"Then who?" A smile escaped my lips
"Her name is Brea" Tamia rolled her eyes
"Lemme see what she look like." I showed her a picture and her eyes lit up.
"I know right?"
Pulling up into a parking spot, I call Brea to see if she had made it here yet
"Wassup Kendrick?"
"Hey ma, you here?"
"Which side you parked on?"
"By Saks 5th"
"Is there another space by you?"
"Yeah hurry up and pull up before somebody takes the spot.
"Ight. Bye."
I backed out of the space and circled around to the side where Brea is on. I park into the space and we both hop out of the car.
"Brea, this my baby brother Tamia. Tamia this is Brea." Tamia hit my arm.
"Hey Brea. You are really pretty." She blushed.
"Thank you. You are too."
"Okay, now that we got the introductions out of the way, can we get up out this heat?"
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I watched as her ass moved in them shorts. Gahhhh damn, her lil booty got jiggle to it. I pull her back closer to me.
"You wasn't gone give a nigga a hug of nothing?" I bit my lip. She wrapped her arms around my waist as she pulled me in for a hug.