Hide and Seek

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///Stingys Pov///
It's been a week. I hear her parents are still out of town, perfect. I look down at my watch; it's 3:45 am. I begin sneaking around town. The city looks so dim and dark at night. " well no shit " I thought "its 3:45 am" I make way up to her driveway and to the back, I've known her for a week but love at first sight am I right? She's everything I've ever wanted and more. Much more. It's the 3rd night I've her from her window but how could I resist.
///Time Skip to the Morning///

I begin making my way to park to see y/n and I guess everyone else too. But mostly her. "Hey Stingy!" Y/n smiled and waved at me. This must be true love I thought Shes the only girl in lazy town who actually wants to hang out with me. "Hey y/n" I smiled and she smiled back. Oh god she's so pretty She skipped off to play game of hide and seek I followed.
///No ones pov///
"Alright I'll count" Stephanie called "Begin hiding 1 2 3" she counted You ran behind a near by bush while Stingy followed close behind you. Spotacus hid in a tree, Ziggy was behind a light pole and nobody could ever find Trixe. "Found you Trixe" Stephe yelled and giggled "There's Stingy and y/n behind the bush, Ziggy behind the light pole and I see you Spotacus" she laughed and pointed. "And there's Pixel on the Bench...Okay I found Trixe first so she's it !" Stephanie began hiding "here follow me" Stingy Whispered grabbing your hand. You followed like he said, he lead you to a huge tree far away from the park. "Stingy are we aloud to hide over here?" you asked "It doesn't matter doll face" he pushed a piece hair behind your ear, "Stingy what are you doing?" You whispered "Don't worry sweetie" he said "No seriously what are you doing" you asked "You'll see" you sat behind the tree while you watched stingy pick up a huge log. "It's okay, babe" he said walking closer to you "Stingy you're really scaring me" you sat still, but began shaking. "I'm doing this because I love you" he lifted the log high in air and ...

Yandere!Stingy x Reader (A Lazy Love)Where stories live. Discover now