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feminism is, according to Google, a belief in the social, political, and economic, equality of the sexes. yes, I used sexes instead of gender because people reading maybe on the defense of the meaning of gender and how its defined. So, im focusing on feminism it's self.

feminism first really evovled from the Abolition of Slavery, Social Purity and Temperance. Women of the 1848 were focused on the struggle for the right to vote to be able to even speak on the issues that to them they are enduring more harsh than men. Well in my opinion thats how I see it. The right to vote for women also sparked the thought to black women that," oh I can also vote because you see that I am a women too"; But we can see through time that black women had to fight just a tad harder for their right to vote.

I want to remind you that my research on feminism went from history to today as, somewhat as a whole, I guess. Before I continue on in this book I wanted to point out some small things that repeatedly came up in my research that just bothered me.

I asked my brother his opinion on feminism. He is 13 and doesnt even know himself, yet I hope. "Im a guy, im not suppose to like feminism." I have never told my brother about feminism, and I know for sure that he hasn't watched videos sharing information about feminism and its history but he seemed to get his opinion, that opinion from some where. Maybe I will never know where.

In my perspective, we have to remember that men, boys see that feminism is based off the word feminine and seem to turn away from the idea. They're men and some, not all may want to have masculine adjectives added to them. Women seem to be so confused and mad at the idea of a man not liking the concepts of feminism because women believe that all men should want women to have equal pay, opprotunities and overall equal rights. On the other hand men shouldnt feel attacked if men decide to join the feminist values.

I also what to specify that I'm not talking about the "crazy" feminist, even if my research was mostly surrounding the values of them. At the end of the day I had to listen to the actual feminists that had facts and not moral values to explain why they are for women and men have equal rights. The feminists, "Women should be more dominant than men" "Women are stronger than men", are the ones that are eating up their own vomit by not committing to what they say they are.

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