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Anyone can or can not be a feminist.

I hate how women beat on other women about why they arent a feminist. Its so sicking to see that apart of society today, or where I view it. Women can either want equal rights with men or not. It shouldnt be a necessity to women to be feminist.

And if your a man and you want to take part, why not. It doesnt matter who you are if you believe that men and women should be equal socially, politically, and economiclly. It shouldnt matter.

What I do question is are when people argue about "pronouns" and such that the many different genders have for themselves. To me, out of respect if you want me to call you a her when by your genital features or deep voice you're a man, or the opposite then thats fine to me I will call you her. When it comes to feminism it shouldnt matter. If you refer back just a couple of sentences men and women can be a feminist or take part in feminism. It shouldnt matter what you want to be called or who you are or want to be seen as. You are a feminist because you are FOR women being equal to men.

I bet there are many different movements for equal rights for trans-people or non-binary people but im focusing on the Google definition of feminism and branching out. Overall it started by women but anyone can be a feminist.

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