Chapter Fifteen: The Death

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The quiet was broken by screams.

Cas sat upright in bed, fear pulsing like lightning through his veins. Without bothering to pull on his trenchcoat, he switched off his reading lamp and ran as quickly as he could toward the door. Dean was already in the hallway, a panicked look on his face.

"It's got to be Jo." Dean shouted above the screaming, which was sounding by the bunker door. He was dressed in his boxers and a flannel shirt that looked two sizes too big, and Cas' face flushed at the most inopportune time.

"Let's go." Cas coughed, running a hand through his hair self-consciously before sprinting down the hall with Dean in tow.

At the door stood Jo, as assumed, with a man beside her. He was tall and thick with a large gut manifesting beneath his torn black shirt and eyes that were hardly discernable from beneath tangled locks of greasy brown hair. He held a pistol in his right hand, the tip of it resting against Jo's head.

"Do you guys hole up in here or somethin'?" The man cocked his head and adjusted the angle of the pistol. Jo whimpered now, her screams fading away.

"What's it to you?" Dean narrowed his eyes at the man, reaching toward the back of his belt. He had a gun there – Cas could see the edge of the handle bulging just above the hem of the jacket.

"Me and my group have been looking for a place to stay. I've got another guy with me outside." The man smirked. "How about you let us in?"

"How about you turn around and leave before anyone gets hurt." Cas stepped forward, his angel blade poised in the sleeve of his suit.

"Fine." The man used his free hand to dig around in his jacket for a moment, drawing out another pistol. "I figured you'd say that. So, here's my final offer. You give us half of everything you have." He ruffled Jo's hair with the barrel of his pistol. "Or I kill her, and then take half of everything you have."

"Just let her go." Dean's voice cracked as he fiddled with the gun in his hand behind his back. "Please. We've lost so many people already."

"I've given you the terms of our little agreement." The man raised his other gun, aiming it toward Cas. Immediately, Dean was full of a tension he hadn't shown before. He stepped in front of Cas, drawing out the gun from behind his back.

"My friend asked you to leave." Dean brandished the gun, clicking a single bullet into place. His tough guy façade was back into action as Cas stood back helplessly, fearing if he moved, he would risk Jo's life. "Don't make him ask again."

"I'm going to count to three." The man didn't lower his gun, keeping his eyes focused on Dean. "Once I get to three, I will shoot you and your friend here in the head. Okay? Glad we're all on the same page."

"Dean, it's fine." Jo was still standing there, tears streaming down her cheeks. She gave him a faint smile, one that was empty and broken. This was a girl who had just lost her mother, the one thing she had left in the world. "I don't matter like Cas and the others do."

"Of course you do." Dean turned to Jo, more frustrated than anything. "How could you believe that?? You're so important to all of us... and me."

"Then how could you pick him?" Jo winced as the man tapped the trigger. "Over me? If I am so important, why choose him?"

"Choose who?" Genuinely confused, Dean lowered his gun just a fraction, now aiming for the man's neck.

"Cas." Jo choked back a sob, closing her eyes. "The last time we saw each other, before all of this, you were trying to... you were trying to be with me. And now...?

"Me and Cas..." Dean straightened his shoulders, clearly resisting the urge to glance back at Cas, who stood there impatiently. "It's not like that, Jo. I didn't choose him over you. It was never that kind of choice. You're like a sister to me."

"A sister you never cared to call up, or spend any time with?" Jo gritted her teeth through the tears. "I'm sorry, Dean. I don't mean to sound selfish. It's been just me and my mom for so many years now, and I thought... I thought just maybe, if I ever saw you again, I'd want to... to have something with you, some kind of life. I wish I hadn't passed up that opportunity, back when I had the chance."

"Jo..." Cas stepped forward, but Dean held up his hand, the pistol aimed toward the ceiling, and shook his head.

"You matter, Jo. More than anything. You're family, regardless of whether or not me and Cas are... together." Dean paused, clearing his throat. The man holding Jo hostage was taking in the situation, as though enjoying the unfolding drama. "I'm sorry you ever had to feel worthless. I know what it's like. You could have come to me, you know. I didn't want you to think I was-"

"One." The man interrupted, his eyes steady as they met Dean's. Cas stepped away, his heart thudding in his chest. He didn't know what to do.

"Dean, just give them the stuff. Let them take whatever they want." Cas whispered, letting the angel blade fall expertly into his hand from his sleeve.


"Wait, stop!!" Dean stepped forward, lowering his pistol. "Please. You can have whatever you want. Seriously, just take it. But leave her alone."

"I'm sorry, kid." The man didn't look apologetic in the least as he said this, his lips twisting into a sour smile. "You had time to think over and accept my offer, yet you didn't. This is what it has come to."

"Jo, no!" Dean raised his gun again, as if he couldn't decide what to do with it, and checked to make sure he was in front of Cas. "Please, don't do this! You can have whatever you want!"

"It's okay." Jo's eyes were filled with pain and grief, her face swollen with tears, and her heart broken beyond disrepair. "It's okay."

And then she was gone. 

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To those in the groupchat, NO, this does not mean Charlie is safe ^-^

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