Jungkooks p.o.v

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This felt nice I missed her she is so tiny she is able to sit on my lap she fell asleep on my chest I got up and layed on the couch I placed her On my chest she was so tired I don't blame her for all I put her through today her mascara was all over her face I grabbed some makeup wipes she had on the coffee table and wiped her face I would do anything for her forgive me it was really cold in the house she was wearing shorts and a tank top she was cold to the touch I pulled the blanket we had on the back of the couch down but first I took my big sweatshirt I had taken off earlier and placed it over her I then pulled the blanket over us I ended up falling asleep aswell we never really fought and I felt bad for yelling at her and saying "don't act dumb" that hurt her a lot but not as much as me storming out and yelling she is so delicate and sensitive I knew the first day we met ever since we met I vowed to NEVER yell at her and today I broke that vow I feel like crap I'm the worst boyfriend ever why didn't she break up with me
                  2 hours later
I woke up to jisoo staring at me  " little bit creepy don't you think" she laughed I love that laugh of hers she was still all snuggled up I could feel the tears coming I got a lump in my throat then I let it all loose " jisoo I'm SO sorry I didn't mean to yell at you" she was confused but she knew what I was talking about " don't cry I forgive you" she said laying her head on my shoulder " I made a vow to NEVER yell at you since we started dating and I broke the vow and hurt  you IM SORRY"  I said she sat up and squeezed my face "stop that" she said in a pouty voice it made me laugh "I'm not mad anymore ok?" She said getting up " where are you going?" I asked alerted "calm down I'm changing my clothes no need to be alerted"

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