Chapter 2

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“Is there anyone you wanna talk to?” I say as I step into the kitchen trying to find a cup to get a drink. I don’t think she heard me so I try again a little louder. “Is there anyone you want to talk to?” I yell.         

            Abby turns to look at me, slightly shaking her head, “No, not really, I just want to find Sam.” She turned around to grab another cup. Guess I will have to watch it tonight, I need to get home somehow. I take a deep breath, thinking of what to do. Finally, coming to a decision, I reach for a cup, ready to wipe my problems away. I don’t get out very often so I am going to make the most of it.


            It’s been more than an hour, I think it has been, I can’t really remember. I’ve been sitting on this couch, in what I’m guessing is the living room, and listening to the people next to me talk about random things. I’m almost positive I heard and elephant come up sometime.

            After Abby left to find Sam I stayed in the kitchen for a few minutes, waiting for her to come back. When she didn’t I left to try and be more social. All that did was get me stuck on this couch with the two clueless weirdos. On the upside their conversation was a little amusing.

            I turn my head and look around the room, watching people dance to a song that had a really good beat. When I look to my left I see some awfully familiar people.

            Grinning like a maniac I open my mouth to talk, “Hey you!” i say looking up at my best friend, Sam right behind  her.

            “Oh look who decided to show up.” I mumble taking another sip of my drink. I lean over to get up but everything feels so relaxed and comfortable that I’m having so difficulties. Reaching out with my hands to get balance, I try to swing my weight forward, with no result. I guess the two for them got tired of watching me because soon each one has a hand on one of my arms and pulls me up.

            I stumble a little, trying to get balance, “Hey, were have you guys been? You drag me here then just ditch me.” I didn’t actually realize how drunk I was until I started to speak, noticing how much trouble I was having just talking.

            “And trust me, I know I’m not that exciting to hang out with, and that your plan was to get me to be more social, but all I have been doing is sitting here listening to a conversation about elephants!” I don’t know why, exactly, I was so angry, but something was building inside of me and I felt like I was going to explode sometime soon.

            “Are you done with your temper tantrum?” Sam asked, speaking very slowly, as if he was talking to a five year old. I turn to Abby, with a pout on my face. Really, a little sympathy is all I ask. Her eyes rolling to the back of her head was all I got.

            “Oh shut up, nobody forced you to sit here by yourself.” She said a slight smile on her face. Abby grabbed me by the arm and steered me toward the kitchen. “I think you need some water.”

             I cant help but feel like a little kid when she hands me a glass of water. I have a sudden flash back to when I was a little kid and sick, my dad would lead me to the kitchen and set me on the counter. He always said thata little water would make the biggest difference in how you feel.

And then its gone.

 Because I’m not a kid anymore and my father isn’t like that anymore.

“I think you need some water.” I mimicked, but after some liberating I give in. I need to get out of here, the air is tainted and it is making it hard to breath. “Do you think we could leave soon?” I ask after I drink all the water.

“Yeah, I’m ready to go,” Abby looks toward Sam,” are you?”

I start to feel a little bit more comfortable after I see Sam nod his head. The sooner I get home the better.


“Bye!” I whisper as I step out of the car. I turn, wave and then start to walk the way to my house. From behind me I can hear the car starting to pull away from the curb and in a matter of seconds the car is zooming past me, Abby on her way home.

Because of the whole parent situation Abby park a little ways away so they couldn’t hear the car in the front. It was at least a couple houses down, so it wasn’t a long walk but it left it quiet and calm, exactly what my pounding head needed. To feel the time go by faster I started to sing the song “How Will I Know” by Whitney Houston under my breath.

When I feel like I’m close enough I look up and see my house coming into view and I try to repress a sigh, but fail, thinking about climbing up the side of the house to get to my room. I don’t think that I need to be careful about walking on the grass so I just keep on waling until I’m at the side of the house. Here goes nothing I say quietly.

By the time I get up the house I am covered in sweat, my body hurts and I think I have one splinter, but I’m so tired that everything is going to have to wait to be done tomorrow.

Good thing it’s a weekend!


Hey! This chpater really sucks but I haven't really had very much time lately. Its super short for how long I took to get it out. Comment, Vote or Fan whaterver you want to do :D 

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