Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

“Let’s get it crackin’

Bottles we back in

Town we so plastered so meet you in the bathroom

She just turned 18

She calls me baby 

Yeah she’s been all night to rape me”

The sound of my phone makes me jump, and even though I’m pretty sure I was just asleep, it feels like my heart just stopped. Gasping I look over to the left side of my bed to look at the time. 12:00 p.m., well shit, there goes my day.

Groaning I pull the blanket off of me and slide up, so my back is against the head board. The sun is shining through my blinds and it hurts my head, well… everything is hurting my head. What happened last night? Leaning over I look at the screen of my phone and look at who is calling. Abbey’s name flashing in blue hurts my eyes and I start to squint.

I flip open the phone “What do you want?” I say, my voice still a little groggy from sleep.

“Good Morning to you too!” Abby laughed. The volume of her voice made me wince slightly.

“Tone it down a little Abbey, my head hurts.” I say, my hand rubbing small circles in my temple.

“Yeah, I figured you be a little overwhelmed today, considering all you had to drink.” She laughed, talking as if I knew what she was talking about.

“Yeah, um, how much did I drink last night?”

“I don’t know over five cups though. Don’t worry, you didn’t do anything to bad, just threw yourself a temper tantrum.” Slapping my palm to my face, I try to remember as much as I can, and as soon as hand meets face I instantly regret it though.

“So I know that you probably don’t want to do anything right now, but do you want to hang out at the mall? I need to get some new pants.” I have to think through, weighing pros and cons, homework or fun? Funny I even have to think about it.

“Ari?” Abbey asks, I can already hear the disappointment in her voice.

“Yeah, sorry, I’m still here. Sure, I’ll come with you, could you just give me like 40 minutes? You can come over if you want but you’ll have to wait, I just woke up.”

“Yes! I knew you would come around sometime. I’m ready now so I’ll just come over and wait. See ya!” Sometimes it’s so easy to make her happy, but knowing I was the one to do it puts a smile on my face.

Climbing out of my bed takes a little effort on my part because it is so cushy; there is a little whole I have to climb out of in the middle of the mattress. The conversation with Abbey woke me up a little bit but I still feel like I could collapse at any moment. Walking over to my bathroom, I can feel every part of my body, solid, like it’s all dragging me down. Every step I take feels like a monster coming through the house.

The cool tile floor surprised me a little as I step into the bathroom because of how hot it is just in my room alone, I can’t imagine how hot it would be outside. I step over to the sink and look at myself, trying to decide whether I should take a shower or not. My blond hair is a mess, with pieces sticking out; it almost looks like I got electrocuted. My clothes are the same from yesterday, my white tank top and light blue skinny jeans a little more crumpled from sleeping though. I look haggard. I definitely shower.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2012 ⏰

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