Chapter 7: recovery

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You woke up from a beam of light on your face, you took a few breathing before seating upright, you rubbed your eyes and sighed, knowing the fact that you're still in the hospital. You looked down to your hands, or rather looking down at youself.

If i was strong enough, i wouldn't be here.

You clenched your both hands and hear a knock.

"(Y/n) can i come in??" Doctor Ziegler knocked

"Oh, um.. sure thing" doctor Ziegler came in with a cheerful smile like always which cheered you.

"Good morning (Y/n), i'm here to check on you" you nod and you let her check on you.

She checked for your heart beat and pulse, she notice that your looking gloomy.

"What's with the long face (Y/n)??"

"If i was strong enough i wouldn't be here" doctor Ziegler placed her hands on your shoulder

"Well you if you rest now and don't think about that stuff, you'll be out of here in no time" you looked up to doctor Ziegler and smiled

"Well i'll be checking you later, i have other patience to check up" she walked to the door and look back at you with a smile and left

Your face lit up. After that, she left your room leaving you with a delighted face.

Think positive and maybe i'll get out of here.

You sighed with relief and grabbed your phone on the desk and you have 10 misscalls and 35 messages from Eric, you smiled as you chuckled, you never knew Eric really care about you. You replied to his text.

(Y/n): Dawww, so you do care

Minutes later he replied

Eric: Of course i care idiot!! Your dad's going to kill me if anything happens to you

(Y/n): Oh, so my dad doesn't know it yet?? The whole being in the hospital thing??

Eric: No...... Please don't tell him, he'll kill me

(Y/n): Fine. But.....

Eric: But what??

(Y/n): You owe me

Eric: owe you for what??

(Y/n): That's for other time

Eric: Okay fine, get well soon, Hana's really worried about you

(Y/n): she is?? What did she say??

Eric: Hmm.... why do you want to know?? You have fweewing for her??

(Y/n): Shut up!! I just want to know and you owe me one

Eric: Oh? You're gonna use your solid there bud??

(Y/n): Well, no. I don't know

Eric: Well i need to go, bye

(Y/n): Bye

You put your phone on the desk and sighed and laid down to your bed, you think about Hana who is alone on the house. Moments later your stomach growled, you patted your tummy and got up, slip your feet in your slippers and head to the cafeteria.

You see alot of patients, some are with their nurses and some including you don't have their nurses with them. You grabbed your breakfast with one hand, due to your plastered left arm, you see doctor Ziegler seating alone, she was doing paper work while eating her food. x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now