Mr Brightside

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Camila's PoV

"I'm so happy you and Lauren are getting along." Austin smiled as he sat down at the edge of his bed.

"Well she's a sweetheart," I answered softly, smiling. I had myself resting against his headboard with my legs stretched out before me. My body was still tingling from the kisses and touches of the girl in the next room.

Austin grinned and got up, shutting the door. I raised my eyebrow. "What are you doing? Your parents will kill us if they find your door closed!" I hissed, leaning forward a little.

He gave me his trademark devilish grin. "They're too wrapped up in Survivor." He made his way towards me, his larger body hovering over my legs as he kissed my forehead. "I just want to spend a few minutes remembering what my girlfriend feels like," he whispered.

I looked into his eyes and sighed. I wasn't in the mood to argue. But I knew I couldn't do anything with him. "Austin," I sighed softly.

"I'm not asking you to have sex with me Camila," he sat up and frowned, "I'm not trying to pressure you but damn, I haven't had a kiss from you in a while. Yes, we kiss but not like we used too."

I sighed. He was right. I had to play my cards right here. I didn't want to forget about Lauren, but until I figured out what it all meant, I needed to keep Austin from becoming suspicious. "Come here," I found myself whispering. I cupped his face gently and brought his lips to mine.

I compared them to hers. They weren't as soft and Austin had stubble. His tongue made its way through the kiss as his body settled on top of mine.

I couldn't tell you how long we laid there like that. His lips were everywhere. Cheek, forehead, lips and then they trailed down my neck. My eyes were open. I wasn't enjoying it at all but I could tell he was by the way his kisses became rougher.

My hands were on his back, rubbing gently. I bit my lip as his hands stroked my stomach, under the shirt. His hands were rough feeling, calloused. His lips played connect the dots on my throat and when I felt them move lower, I tugged on his head to capture his lips again. I didn't want him to touch me in any other spot, especially with his mouth. He groaned quietly as I fought back the urge to vomit.

I won't lie to you, I found myself getting lost in his kiss. I was thinking of Lauren the whole time. Her smile, her laugh, the way she held me while we kissed earlier that evening. Even when she was mad at me, she would make it sexy. She would hold my hand when we were out, make me smile and laugh when I was in a crabby mood. She knew what things to say at exactly the right time. We were best friends at the end of the day, but we both wanted more.

I imagined her tongue slipping between my lips. Her fingers running through my hair. Her knee pressed between my legs causing me to moan and press back.

It wasn't until I felt fingers dib just below my waist band of my underwear that I snapped out of it. Austin was ready to go and I froze. When the hell did he undo my jeans?

I gasped and pushed him off of me. He looked at me quizzically and scratched his head. "You were enjoying it, why did you stop me?"

"I can't," I breathed.

Austin moved closer and grabbed my hand. "Camila, are you cheating on me?"

I whipped my head around and stared at him. "What?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Well we were so good together and lately, it's like you've been pushing me away!" Austin stood up as his voice rose a little. "I can only think of the reason being that you're seeing some other guy from your school!"

I frowned. Some other guy from my school? Try some other girl who is your cousin.


"I'm not cheating on you with some other guy, Austin!" I straightened my hair. "I gotta go." I opened the door while buttoning up my jeans.

It so happened at that moment, Lauren was coming up the stairs as I finished doing up my jeans. I stared in shock at her. It so wasn't what it looked like. The look that washed over her face was hurt. I couldn't deal with either of them. I needed to find the inner peace in me before I flew off the handle.

"Camila, wait!" Austin called as I brushed passed Lauren and ran down the stairs. Mr. & Mrs. Mahone hollered their goodnights as I closed the front door.

How the hell could I have been so stupid?

Make out with Lauren and get caught up in the moment with Austin?

What was really sad, in a sad sort of way, is that the only reason things got so heavy with Austin was because I was thinking of Lauren.

Good job, Cabello.

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