Sister Bonding

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Sofia's PoV

I was flipping out. It was the day before Valentine's Day and I had nothing to give to Sammy. Nothing jumped out at me while Kyla and I were at the mall. I didn't know what to give her exactly and I've never really had someone on Valentine's Day to be, you know, my Valentine.

"What are you getting Lauren for tomorrow?" I asked my sister. She was sprawled out on my bed doing her homework while we listened to music. I loved nights like that, spending time with Camila, just the two of us.

Wednesday nights sucked. Sammy worked Wednesday nights and usually I'd spend it with Camila and Lauren, or Kyla, but that evening was different.

Kyla was out for dinner at Austin's for the first time since his parents learned they were going to have a baby. She was so nervous but Camila managed to keep her sane. With Camila being grounded, it was her last night, she wasn't allowed to go have dinner at Austin's and Lauren's Aunt and Uncle thought it'd be best if Lauren stayed for the dinner.

'Family' time.

Camila rolled on her back and looked at the ceiling thoughtfully. "I was thinking that maybe you could help me with that part."

I smiled and nodded. "Can you help me? I mean, what do I get Sammy?"

"A box of chocolate hearts?" Camila grinned and sat up after I threw my pencil at her. "What can I say? I'm romantic that way."

"Right, asking Lauren to go for a burger last week during shower time is real romantic." I raised an eyebrow and giggled at the loud gasp that came from my sister.

"She told you about that? Oh my god," She shook her head, "I can't believe she talks to you about that stuff or that you listen."

"Relax metal fist," I smirked, "Lauren just told me that one thing, trust me, I don't want to hear what you to do or how you do it."

She scoffed and threw my pencil back at me, "why not make her a mixed CD?"

I thought about it for a few seconds. Usually mixed CD's were overrated between couples. But Sammy loved music as much as I did and I was always finding her underground bands to listen too. That probably wasn't a bad idea. "I'll think about it!"

"Girls?" We turned to see my mom standing in my bedroom doorway. "Your father and I are going out for a bit, I trust you two will be okay?"

"I'm in Cabello prison, so I'll be plenty okay." Camila pouted and my mom rolled her eyes.

"Just doing our homework mom," I smiled and waved my science textbook in the air.

"And talking about sex, right Sofi?" Camila kicked my chair and I glared at her. "Oh don't be shy about the sex talk. Mom, have you not given Sof here her sex talk?"

"Don't. Call me. Sof!" I threw my book at her and she just laughed. Fuckin' Camila. "And I don't need a sex talk."

"Oh sure you do," Camila sat up even straighter and looked at her mom, "did you want to do it? Dad? Me?"

"You?" Mom snorted and held her hand over her mouth. "You'd teach Camila it's okay to skip school and have sex, it's okay, I think I can handle it."

I smirked and then shook my head, whipping it around to look at my mother. "Wait, huh? I don't need a sex talk. I'm not even having sex."

Oddly enough, my mom looked a little surprised at my confession. She had a smile that graced her lips, you know, in that 'I'm so proud' kind of smile. I swallowed and blushed, suddenly feeling awkward.

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