A plan

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Syber: Ok so you all know why I gathered you here?

Test subjects: -nods-

Syber: Ok now I plan to escape as fast as possible with a bunch of you guys but there will be sacrifices so are you with me?

Test subjects: -cheers-

Syber: Now I have a few proposals to make but I need a majority of you all to accept. I have three ways, they have the same timescales number 1: A stealth, Luna and Max will find a way to cut the power supply by destroying or disabling the power generator then a small group of us will escape and try to bust you all out in 3 months time, less or more I don't know. Number two: We go loud, weapons out kill as much, this can be done at lunch time, a small distraction and we will get ready, 3 months as well to get ready, any screw-ups will take us another week. And the last one: A small distraction, a small group heads to the warden's office and get the keys and disable all cameras along with any alarms, this will take 3 months to prepare and scout out their daily routine. Alright now show me a hand of votes for the first one?

A few hands risen with Zeta and Luna.

Syber: The second one?

A overwhelming hands flew up with cheers and all, it was an unanimous vote.

Zeta: alright then, loud it is.

Syber: Ok, what we need is explosives, weapons and -gets cut off by soldiers-

Soldier: Bed time! Get to your cells!

The group dispersed and Syber was still planning it all out on a piece of paper

Syber's note: explosives( C4 most likely), weapons (preferably ranged), keys(if not lockpicks), keycards, extra clothing(tons of it)....

Syber: Hmmm... what else -mutters-

Syber planned the big escape, for the entire night but time always go so fast.

Speaker: Alright maggots! Role call! Get your asses up here now!

When everyone reached the courtyard the warden himself came and who is in charge? Jerold was! Syber had to restrain himself so much that he almost bit his tongue off.

Jerold: -sniffs the air- I smell a old opponent... Ah! Syber! So your in MY prison! Nice to see you.

Syber: I would like to smell the air but your hair-style is so bad that it taints the air.

Jerold: All those cocky remarks won't get you out of prison.

Syber: All that hair gel ain't gonna make your hair smell better.

Soldier: -muffles giggle-

Jerold: -turns around- WHO LAUGHED! Come out.

Soldiers: -stay silent-

Jerold: NOW!

Soldier: -walks front-

Jerold: Every, time it's YOU! WHY HAVE YOU NOT DIE YET! -starts to stab him- every fucking time it's you. -stops stabbing him-

Soldier: -falls dead on the ground-

Jerold: -pants for awhile- Sorry for that, ANYWAYS! The role call will have a different turn, my boys already taken over this place so I don't have any use for these soldier anymore, except cannon fodder and for the hell game.

Syber: Expected from you, crazy but not as.

Jerold: What did you say? -holds knife at Syber's neck- I'll eat you inside out and shit you out and feed you to the prisoners.

Test subjects: -gags a bit-

Syber: -sinks neck into knife- I would like to see you try -smiles creepily- (Note from author: Ok, just think Syber's smiles are like Jeff the Killer's smiles if you don't know what creepypasta is, it's like you never tried ice cream)

Jerold: -pulls knife out of his neck- Hmph, your harder to crack than I thought.

Syber: -laughs insanely- I'm always hard to crack.

Jerold: Alrighty, back to the role call I want to check two people's cells.... Jimmy and Josh. Alright role call is done! Get back to your work.

Syber went back to his cell and thought very carefully of how is he going to work this out now. Now that Jerold is in the picture this has gone way harder than expected, Syber has to re-plan the entire escape again because of Jerold's obsession of killing. Syber decided that he might be able to stop Jerold by using his blood rage while he is insane. But it will lead to a problem but he didn't care after all, Jerold was the one who got him into this mess, Syber started to plan out what they need and what he wrote last was: PURGE and clean.

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