Chapter 12

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Soon afterwards everything went to chaos. The pair could hear the sounds of fighting and shouting echo from further outside the compound, from the direction the pair of scheming villains had gone. Clearly one of the teams had been spotted and it evolved into a fight, as much as they hated not knowing what was going on or being able to help they had a job to do, disable the machine before it could be used. They couldn't allow Red Skulls plan to work.

The pair stood looking up at the contraption, the giant drill was attached to a box like base with large screens showing streams of code and plans for the machine. Sharing a glance with the elder spider, Spiderman started tapping away on the screens hoping to find some way to shut it down, however he seemed to be going in continual circles. Whoever had created it clearly had tried to prevent unauthorised tampering.

"Can't you go any faster?" Black Widow hissed watching the doorways for any guards, they didn't have much time before someone would think to check the room and it would be best to be long gone before then.

"I'm trying, this is complex code and this machine has lots of firewalls to defend it from unauthorised users aka people like us shutting it down." Spiderman exclaimed throwing his hands up in frustration.

"Oh, for goodness sakes." Black Widow strode over and used her tasers to short circuit the device, shutting it down.

"That. Okay. That works too." Spiderman shrugged as they jogged down the corridors towards the sound of fighting.

The sight they were greeted to was the equivalent to chaos. Apparently it had become a bad enough situation that they had called the heavy hitters in, as Hulk smashed parts of the building and Thor flew above wielding his hammer. Captain America was in combat with Red Skull alongside Nova and White Tiger. Falcon was being chased by a fuming Molten Man as Iron Man chased them. Power Man, Hawkeye and Iron fist were dealing with the seemingly endless guards that poured from various places around the compound. Nodding to each other the spiders leapt into the fight, Black Widow helping with the guards and Spiderman dashing to help Falcon and Iron Man who seemed to be getting nowhere. His thoughts had been that he'd thought and defeated the fiery man before and so he could probably do it again. Hopefully.

He did succeed in distracting the fiery man, half by angering though you couldn't blame a guy for getting angry at someone screaming "Missed me flame boy." or "Hey hot head!" and a degree of varying quips that made even Iron Man sigh.

That is when everything went downhill. Molten man ripped the webs that had been shot in his face off, steaming in anger he threw a blaze of fireballs towards the web-slinger, who had been momentarily distracted by a guard. Thankfully his Spidey-sense warned him of the incoming danger and allowed him to move, however the position he was in meant he couldn't avoid them all. Leaning the way that he would be hit the least he prepared for the impact and heat.

And what an impact it was, the fire blazed and burnt straight through parts of his costume leaving severe burns, the worst was one that grazed his face, burning up part of his mask, from the corner of his lip, right across his cheek and revealing half an eye. Gritting his teeth at the horrible pain, he moved forward knowing he needed to help, he could deal with the burns when they were in a safer situation. Mainly one without villains and guards to fight and proper medical equipment. Oh, and he'd just celebrated freedom from the damn medical ward.

Shooting more web fluid he trapped the burning man against the side of the building, the few seconds it took him to burn through the web fluid was all Iron Man needed as he knocked the living fireball out cold. Falcon swept past in the air, grateful for not having the fiery man on his tail, but his face morphed into a concerned look at seeing the teenage heroes injuries. He must look terrible he thought to himself for one of the Avengers to be looking at him like that. How reassuring.

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