Chapter 13

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Bruce grabbed Tony's arm as the billionaire marched past him on his way to his adopted son/teenage hero, his face schooled in a deceptively calm façade that hid a storm.

"Tony-". Bruce started as his friend turned the unnerving face towards him.

"You knew, you all knew and you didn't think of telling me! Don't you think i would want to n=know the kid I adopted was the hero I'd been looking into?" Tony spat out inwardly unsure of where his burning anger had come from, being lied to? Not being trusted with the secret? Peter getting hurt? He wasn't sure.

"Look Tony, it wasn't our secret to tell and only Clint knows from a mission with him, Falcon figured it out earlier and Cap just learnt about it now. It was Peter's secret, if he didn't tell you then it wasn't your business. However can we talk about this later, Peter really need all the help he can get right now." Bruce gained a stern expression at the thought of his patient.

Hesitating Tony glanced at the injured hero. "Fine, but we are talking later." With that ended he marched off back to the others, his face softening at the sight of the teenager that had managed to claw (or rather web) his way into his heart.

Sighing in relief Bruce went back to work on his patient, trying to heal some of the less major wounds and stabilise the severe ones for better treatment when they finally reach S.H.I.E.L.D. Either way it would best to get back quickly, then once Peter was better and only then would they deal with the mess of the teen heroes identities.


The hour it took to get back to S.H.I.E.L.D. seemed to drag on but eventually they made it back. As soon as the jet landed there was a hive of activity as medical officers carried the teen spider away to the medical bay and dragged along Iron Fist and Hawkeye who had also taken a few hits, nothing major but enough to warrant a check. Bruce also joined them as he had been looking after Spidey and knew his current condition.

The remainder of the group were left to face the stormy anger of Fury, however the concerned disappointed face of Coulson at his side wasn't any better either. Fury was mentally caring for a growing headache, he should have known better that this would end in nothing but disaster.

"What happened?" Coulson questioned saving the group from facing the expanding anger of the director. Though Coulson didn't look like he was going to go much easier on them.

Captain America, Black Widow and White Tiger split the responsibility of the explanation, glancing every so often in the direction of the med bay, once satisfied Fury gave a grudging sigh and released the teams as he marched off to sort out the mess. Muttering about paperwork as he went the heroes exchanged a look before deciding it wasn't the most important thing at the minute.

Coulson joined the sullen group as they headed towards their injured teammates, it was time for some explanations. The heroes entered the room apprehensively, the smell of disinfectant as strong here as in any medical room. Lying deathly still was Peter in a pod, his costume had been taken off and he'd been put in a medical robe. The boy looked horrible to say the least, burns littered his body and the bandages over the bullet wound stood out from under the robe matching his unusually pale skin.

Thankfully, as Bruce described, his wounds had already started to heal thanks to his advanced healing. The bullet had been taken out as soon as he arrived in the room to prevent the wound closing with it still in his body, the young spider had been lucky that it had missed all vital organs, though it had shattered a rib so he would have to be careful in case it pierced his lungs. It would heal but breathing would be very painful until his healing fixed it. He had even more bandages around the area constricting his movements slightly.

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