Chapter 1: I Don't Care

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Not really, it's just the intro and chapter 1 in one day...aha...
Anyway, Enjoy~
•Jiu's POV•

"Jiu! Place that box over there!" Ms. Koh aka my boss bestie (not really—it's a one sided friendship. I'm the one who thinks were bestie while she just thinks I'm annoying) yelled as she pointed towards the corner of our storage room.

"Yes Koh-nim!" I yelled back with a bright smile as she just scoffs, carrying the heavy cardboard box that was just shipped from the toy factory.

As I carried the box, I could her jingling and clinking inside. Wow, there must be some metallic and dangerous toys in there.

I settle the box down in the corner and huffed, straightening my back.

"God, I feel like an old lady.." I whined as stretched.

"That's because you are!" My co-worker, Jihoon exclaimed from the cash register.

I ran out from the storage room and went behind the cash register where Jihoon was casually lounging with both of his feet up on the cash register.

I slapped his leg and he ended up wincing in pain and putting his legs down.

"Aish! What was that for?!" He rubbed his leg in pain and crouched down.

"First of all, you called me old when you're clearly older than me," I grinned from ear to ear and crouched down to his crouching height before ruffling his hair, "Second, you never put your feet up on the freaking cash register, you pabo!"

"Fine, whatever you say, eomma(mom)" He flashed back a grin at me and stood up as I followed.

"Anyway, boss said we got an invite to a fancy party that the company is hosting." Jihoon pulled out two envelopes from the drawer. They were dark blue envelopes tinted with a light yellow logo and design.

"What's the occasion?" I tilted my head to the side and grabbed one of the envelopes from him, opening it and sliding a shiny gold card out of the envelope

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"What's the occasion?" I tilted my head to the side and grabbed one of the envelopes from him, opening it and sliding a shiny gold card out of the envelope.

'You are invited to the Bliss Toys INC. party to celebrate the successful sales of our company.

We are inviting each and everyone of our workers from our shop workers to office workers.

We couldn't do it without the help of our office team, who were in charge of the financial, marketing/advertising and planning of the toys for the company.

『 IRRITATE WITH LOVE 』 ⇢ B.I / Kim HanbinWhere stories live. Discover now